singapore phase 2 (heightened alert start date) / New Covid rules kick in: Timeline of S'pore's measures over the last 2 years | The Straits Times

singapore phase 2 (heightened alert start date)

singapore phase 2 (heightened alert start date)

Safe distancing. People from the same household can visit their parents or grandparents in groups of two. At the same time, landlords were encouraged to provide rental support, though this has not been consistently offered. Face shields should therefore not be used as a substitute for mask wear, except for medical exceptions; or where the child is 12 years or younger; or for the marriage couple during the solemnisation of their marriage. The porous nature of wet markets and hawker food centres which serve a range of customers including vulnerable seniors, also increases the risk of undetected cryptic transmission. Phase three heightened alert , first stage. After discovering that the unknown number of cases was greater than expected, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced on 21 April an extension of the circuit breaker to 1 June.

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