Аппарат Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice играть платно на сайте Вавада / Notat om digital dannelse og digitale kompetencer – goalma.org

Аппарат Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice Играть Платно На Сайте Вавада

Аппарат Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice играть платно на сайте Вавада

Morbi vel orci varius, vestibulum ipsum et, pharetra nulla. Donec non sapien ut lacus pulvinar aliquam vel ut mauris. Suspendisse id velit at libero volutpat venenatis. Fusce molestie, odio gravida rutrum faucibus, augue augue fermentum leo, id posuere justo justo et nisl. Sed facilisis sem sit amet commodo dignissim. Nulla vehicula justo ac lacus molestie, porta ullamcorper mi lobortis. Duis a lectus varius, tristique odio nec, viverra lorem. Suspendisse et ornare lectus, sed sollicitudin elit. In eu imperdiet eros. Fusce id urna justo. Suspendisse eu porta tortor. Morbi vulputate elementum tincidunt. Donec sem sem, consectetur a elit quis, dignissim sollicitudin ante. Proin auctor molestie ipsum, at cursus dolor sollicitudin in. Quisque ornare metus risus, et adipiscing neque ornare vestibulum. Ut gravida nulla in nulla sodales sodales.

Fusce et urna et mauris facilisis hendrerit nec in sapien. Integer imperdiet tellus ut aliquet molestie. Mauris auctor diam eget ultrices molestie. Vestibulum nec aliquam massa, at molestie ante. Vivamus elementum ullamcorper ante, pulvinar dapibus justo auctor vel. Mauris in magna ipsum. Duis molestie mi quis nulla tincidunt faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent quis augue ultrices, convallis purus vitae, egestas velit. Nam non aliquet nibh, in pretium leo. Nulla venenatis justo ac ligula commodo, non egestas tortor viverra. Nunc accumsan, eros a sodales laoreet, metus leo luctus tortor, sit amet volutpat metus risus sodales enim. Etiam facilisis enim tristique eros euismod euismod. Maecenas pretium diam eu adipiscing tincidunt. Nam eget metus nibh. Cras viverra enim id tempus suscipit.


El Botox® también es cosa de hombres

El interés por la estética va en aumento pero ha cambiado mucho el perfil del usuario, el público está muy informado y demanda “naturalidad” y, aunque la mayoría de los clientes son mujeres, el interés masculino por la cirugía estética ha crecido en torno a un 19% desde , según la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica, Estética y Reparadora (Secpre). De hecho, los hombres españoles realizan al mes más de búsquedas en internet relacionadas con la especialidad.

Desde hace unos años, y cada vez más, los hombres han perdido el ­miedo a los retoques y los hombres deciden dar el paso a la cirugía estética a través del Botox®. La mayoría de los pacientes masculinos que se someten al tratamiento con Botox® tienen 40 o más años y están interesados en minimizar los signos tempranos de envejecimiento. La técnica consiste en la infiltración mediante una aguja extrafina de la toxina botulínica en el músculo de la zona que se desea tratar, produciendo su relajación e inhibiendo el movimiento del mismo. Por eso los hombres demandan este tratamiento para intentar eliminar arrugas o líneas de expresión muy marcadas, relajando los músculos, pero manteniendo la expresión natural.

Para los hombres que desean parecer más jóvenes y vitales, el procedimiento representa uno de los tratamientos estéticos disponibles más rápidos y menos invasivos. De ahí que la aplicación fundamental del Botox® en estética masculina sea el tratamiento de las arrugas de expresión, es decir aquéllas que aparecen en el entrecejo, la frente, las comisuras de los labios o las patas de gallo. Como resultado de la correcta aplicación del Botox®, las líneas y arrugas se reducen o desaparecen y la piel adopta una apariencia más lisa y juvenil. En los hombres, las líneas de la frente, pueden hacer que se parezca siempre enfadado o disgustado por eso es una de las aplicaciones más demandadas.

En lo que se refiere a la eliminación de las arrugas faciales, el Botox® ofrece claras ventajas:

  •         Evita la cirugía
  •         Se puede aplicar en cualquier época del año.
  •         Es una técnica prácticamente indolora.
  •         Sus efectos son inmediatos y se prolongan entre cinco y seis meses.
  •         Apenas tiene contraindicaciones.
  •        Raramente produce efectos adversos, como reacciones alérgicas, dolor en el punto de punción o pequeñas marcas de hematoma.


El problema con la aplicación del Botox® radica en que hay mucho intrusismo profesional y debería estar más controlado. Hay peluquerías y centros de estética que lo ofrecen sin tener personal especializado. Hay que recurrir a una especialista en cirugía estética, que es el profesional que dará las mejores garantías y aplicará las mejores técnicas, porque también el Botox® se ha perfeccionado mucho desde que se empezó a aplicar y los que están más actualizados son estos profesionales. El cirujano estético es el indicado para asesorar a aquellos hombres que están considerando recibir inyecciones de Botox® e informarle convenientemente de que deben tener perspectivas realistas sobre lo que se puede lograr y evitar las falsas expectativas.


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Valoración del Usuario:&#;&#;/&#;
Creado en Viernes, 13 Septiembre
Publicado el Viernes, 13 Septiembre

Con la entrada en vigencia de la Ley de financiamiento se eliminó el régimen simplificado y el régimen común.

La DIAN desde mayo del presente año, viene realizando la actualización de oficio del RUT de todas las personas naturales que se encuentran inscritas.

Con el fin de verificar la nueva clasificación realizada por la DIAN a cada uno de los contratistas, es necesario que, con los documentos para pago, presenten desde el mes de SEPTIEMBRE copia del RUT actualizado en el cual se encuentre claramente definida alguna de las siguientes obligaciones:

Régimen simple de tributación

48 - Impuesto sobre las ventas 

reemplaza el antiguo código 11 Régimen común del impuesto sobre las ventas IVA.

49 - No responsable de IVA

Reemplazar el antiguo código 12 régimen simplificado del IVA.


Original firmado

Racial Identity" width="" height="">

Racial Identity: Getting another job as a person of color is so difficult, no matter how talented you are.


Some of it is sussing out, “How many people were in that role before?” I&#;m talking to other people, not only during a search process but ideally informally outside of the process, to get to know a bit about the culture of the team org and that person. I will say is that when that&#;s navigated well and you can get trusting relationships, that&#;s not always easy. Streets will talk. From where I sit and the information I can get, the kinds of things people tell me about people in org is wow.

If I get people in a lot of work environments, let’s talk and you keep it real. It&#;s about framing it as a, “I want to be real skinny because this is important for me.” Some of it is a personalized thing, “I&#;m not going to attribute to you. I want to understand because this is my livelihood. I want to make sure that I can get a place where I can thrive.” For a lot of people, when you open up your vulnerability, I think enough people react well to that.

You can get honest feedback. Vulnerability can be used as the Excalibur to get past the fog of toxic leadership. Vulnerability at the same time with toxic leaders is not something I would use with them but with other people around them. Toxic leaders will want to use your vulnerability and hurt you. You have to protect yourself a good deal. I would say you have to play the politician. You have to play the okie-doke in order for them to survive. To be safe around them.

Thank you for everything. I appreciate your knowledge and insights and how this is personal to you. With that being said, what would you leave our readers with related to words of wisdom?

I&#;m going to read what is always my default favorite quote which I think will be apropos. I&#;ll give you the background of this. I got this James Baldwin quote and it&#;s from Nobody Knows My Name. When one of my friends who I went to NYU with left her job in a public theater, she had a big going away party. She decided to go to Asia to move. She’s Filipino like me. What&#;s also cool was that I got to see the last Noise Funk on Broadway, where Savion Glover came back and Gregory Hines tapped with him. It was surreal.

She took me to that show. She said, “Ron, why don&#;t you come over here?” I was like, “I’ll come.” Having seen Hamilton live, that will probably supplant Noise Funk, admittedly. Noise Funk is the best Broadway production I&#;ve seen in years. It&#;s better than Les Mis. I&#;ve seen a lot of stuff but the context of this quote is that she was giving this on a postcard to people to give understanding as to why she was doing what she was doing.

I think this will help with understanding generally when you&#;re undergoing toxic leadership, something that is grounding about what&#;s on the other side of beyond toxic leadership. “To any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it. The loss of all that gave one an identity, the end of safety. At such a moment, unable to see and not daring to imagine what the future will now bring forth, one clings to what one knew or dreamed that possessed.&#;

&#;Yet, it is only when a man is able, without bitterness or self-pity, to surrender a dream he has long possessed that he is set free. He set himself free for higher dreams for greater privileges.” I think about that quote. It’s letting go. Letting go is the hardest thing in this situation because you think it&#;s you but you got to let go of that thing you&#;re involved in. That&#;s hard because you bring that as part of your identity.

Thank you for sharing that. Before we go, one of the things we talked about is the power of relationships. With that being said, how can people get ahold of you?

Messenger pigeon or they can send smoke signals. If you are intuitive like me, you just have do a Professor X. If you&#;re a five senses person, you can find me on Instagram or Twitter @PhenomeRon. I&#;m also easily findable on LinkedIn or Facebook. Look up Ron Rapatalo. I like to brag so I&#;ll brag here. My LinkedIn connections are closing in on 20, I&#;m always looking to add more people. I&#;d like to get to the 30,connection limit because the more amazing people you have in your network, I think the richer my life becomes. Come at me. I&#;m always happy to chat.

Thank you, Ron.

You&#;re welcome.

I appreciate crossing paths with you and having this wonderful conversation.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

Yeah. I thank you for reading. Until next time.


Important links


About Ron Rapatalo

Ron Rapatalo’s career vision is coaching, connecting, and inspiring others to find their best selves through healthier living, increased mindfulness/interconnection, and stronger intention/strategy. He believes in the power of intuition and deepening one’s self-awareness and impact on others. He also believes that we must dismantle systems of oppression and racism to recover our fullest humanity.

Ron has been a talent shepherd for 15+ years, recruiting and selecting thousands of candidates to become education and nonprofit leaders. He joined Edgility full-time in September after consulting with them and other search firms for over 4 years.

Ron is also a coach, giving career advice on how to navigate career transitions and present oneself from networking to interviewing. He also supports others on how to live healthier lives. He believes in the power of connecting with others to support, nurture and develop our talents. He is an active member of the NYU alumni community for over 20 years, currently serving as an Officer Emeritus of the NYU Alumni Association. He is also an active member of the Education Leaders of Color and a Coro Leadership New York alumnus.

In his spare time, Ron loves spending time with his wife Shanita and his daughters Sofia and Ava, whether it’s watching reality TV, enjoying Jeopardy!, or devouring favorite movies/shows on Netflix. He’s also an avid yoga practitioner, meditator, and obstacle course racer. A native New Yorker, he’s a rabid New York Yankees and New York Giants fan.

Faqat bizning foydalanuvchilar uchun Qcomment o&#;zbek tilida

Bundan oldingi maqolamizda Sizni Qcomment birjasi bilan tanishtirgan edik. Foydalanuvchilarimiz talablariga binoan Qcomment birjasida qanday ishlash kerakligi haqida maqola yozishga qaror qildik. Saytimiz foydalanuvchilarining aksariyati rus tilini mukammal bilmaganligi sabab, ishlash davomida bir qancha noqulayliklar kelib chiqishi turgan gap. Biz buni hisobga olgan holda Sizga birjani yanada soddaroq tushuntirishga, ya&#;ni o&#;zbek tiliga o&#;girishga qaror qildik. O&#;ylaymizki bu maqolani o&#;qib bo&#;lgach, Siz birjada bemalol ishlay boshlaysiz. Agarda nimadur tushunarsiz bo&#;lib tuyilsa, savollaringizni maqola tagida izoh uchun ajratilgan joyda qoldiring.

Ro'yxatdan o'tish tugmasi

Eslatma! Umuman olganda, saytimizda yoritilib borilaytogan barcha pul topish turlari bilan ishlashingiz uchun Sizga kompyuter kerak bo&#;ladi, jumladan Qcommentda ham. Chunki kompyuterda ishlash har tomonlama qulay. Lekin,  mobil telefon yoki planshet orqali ham ishlayotganlar bor. Faqat noqulayliklar juda ko&#;p. Albatta professional bo&#;lsangiz bu noqulayliklar sizga halaqit qilolmaydi.

Nimadan boshlash kerak?

Birinchi navbatda o&#;zingizdan so&#;rang, kayfiyatingiz qanaqa? Ishlashga tayyormisiz? Hech kim Sizga halaqit qilmaydimi? Qcomment uchun kamida bir soat vaqt ajrata olasizmi? Agar javob &#;Ha albatta!&#; bo&#;lsa, u holda boshladik.

Sizga yanada qulay bo&#;lishi uchun har bir qilinadigan ishni rasmlar orqali ko&#;rsatib boramiz. Agarda rasmdagi ma&#;lumotni o&#;qish Sizga noqulaylik tug&#;dirsa, rasm ustiga bosib kattalashtirib ko&#;rishingiz mumkin.

  1. Brauzerni ochib URL kiritiladigan maydonga &#;goalma.org&#; saytini kiritamiz va saytga kiramiz. Qcommentda pul ishlash
  2. So&#;ngra Вход tugmasini bosib Qcomment uchun login parolimizni kiritamiz. Siz Qcomment saytida ro&#;yxatdan o&#;tgan bo&#;lishingiz kerak. Agarda akkauntingiz bo&#;lmasa, u holda quyidagi maqolani o&#;qing.Qcommentda pul ishlash
  3. Agar login va parol to&#;g&#;ri kiritilgan bo&#;lsa, Sizni proektlar tanlash sahifasiga yuborishadi. U yerda filtrlash oynasi va proektlar ro&#;yxatini ko&#;rishimiz mumkin.Qcommentda pul ishlash
  4. Filtrlash oynasi Sizga anchagina qulayliklar yaratib berishi mumkin. U orqali Siz faqat o&#;zingizga mos ishlarni ko&#;rinadigan qilib qo&#;yishingiz mumkin. U quyidagilardan iborat:Qcommentda pul ishlash
    1. ID проекта &#; bu yerga aniq belgilangan ID ga ega proektni kiritishingiz mumkin. Sizga bu kerak bo&#;lmasa kerak.
    2. Логин заказчика &#; buyurtma beruvchilar, ya&#;ni vazifani topshiruvchilardan birortasini tanisangiz, bu yerga uni loginini kiritib, faqatgina uning vazifalarini ro&#;yxatini ochishingiz mumkin.
    3. Язык &#; bajariladigan vazifa qaysi tilda ekanligini ko&#;rsatamiz. Afsuski bu yerda o&#;zbek tili yo&#;q (hozircha deb umid qilamiz). Yahshisi bu maydonni &#;все языки&#; qiymatida qoldirgan maqul.Qcommentda pul ishlash
    4. Тематика &#; Siz bu paneldan o&#;zingizga mos mavzuni tanlashingiz mumkin. Masalan, дом и семья  (oila va uy), игры (o&#;yinlar), знакомства и общение (tanishish va muloqot) mavzularidagi saytlarda izoh qoldirish, like bosish va boshqalar bo&#;lishi mumkin. Sizga qaysi mavzu qulay va qiziq bo&#;lsa usha mavzuni tanlang, shunda Qcomment  birjasida ishlash Sizga yanada zavq bag&#;ishlaydi.
      Qcommentda pul ishlash
    5. Тариф &#; bu panel orqali aynan nima ish qilishingizni belgilab olishingiz mumkin. Masalan, biror saytda izoh qoldirish, LIKE bosish, follow(obuna bo&#;lish, подписка) qilish, repost (baham ko&#;rish, поделиться) va boshqalar. Hamda narxlar bo&#;yicha tartibga keltirish imkoniyati ham mavjud. Masalan, mikro, mini va standart.Qcommentda pul ishlash
    6. Eng tepadigi asosiy oynaga ta&#;rif berishni unuta yozibmiz :-).  Ранг &#; Sizning tajribangiz qay darajaga yetganini ko&#;rsatib turadi. Boshida bu ko&#;rsatgich nolga teng. Qilgan ishlaringiz va natijalarga qarab Sizning darajangiz oshib boradi. Umid qilamizki Qcommentdagi darajangizni kamida 10 ga olib chiqasiz.
    7. Статистика &#; bu yerda sizga yuklatilgan vazifalar ko&#;rsatiladi, ularga tartib bo&#;yicha ta&#;rif beramiz.
      1. Olov rang &#; Sizga yuklatilgan, lekin hali oxiriga yetkazilmagan vazifalar soni
      2. Yashil &#;  Siz bajarib bo&#;lgan, lekin hali tekshiruvdan o&#;tayotgan vazifalar soni.
      3. Qora &#; Siz bajarib bo&#;lgan va pulini olgan vazifalar soni.
      4. Qizil &#; tekshiruvdan o&#;ta olmagan, inkor etilgan va puli to&#;lanmagan vazifalar soni.
    8. Регион &#; Siz joylashgan manzil. Masalan, Toshkent.
  5. Filtrlash ishlarini tugatgach, Sizga  proektlar ro&#;yxati jadvalida sozlangan filtrga mos proektlar ko&#;rsatiladi. Biz Qcommentdagi eng oson vazifalardan biri &#;Вступить в группу Facebook&#; vazifasini tanladik:Qcommentda pul ishlashU yerda quyidagi ma&#;lumotlar ko&#;rsatilgan:
    1. ID &#; vazifa ID raqami va sohasi (Строительство)
    2. Тариф &#; vazifa nimadan iboratligi va uning baxosi. &#;Подписка в социальных сетях 1 руб.&#; &#; ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda obuna bo&#;lish, narxi 1rubl.
    3. Лимит &#; vazifani bajarishga nechta odam kerakligi. Ko&#;pincha uni ko&#;rsatishmaydi.
    4. Язык &#; vazifa qaysi tilda

    5. Действия &#; bajarish mumkin bo&#;lgan amallar, masalan yulduzcha ustiga bosib, bu vazifani sevimli vazifalar qatoriga qo&#;shish mumkin
  6. Yashil rangda ko&#;rsatilgan vazifa nomini ustiga bosamiz va batafsil ma&#;lumot berilgan sahifaga o&#;tamiz. U yerda quyidagi ma&#;lumotlar bor:Qcommentda pul ishlash
    1. Клиент &#; vazifa beruvchi logini (ismi). Адрес сайта &#; vazifa bajariladigan saytga ssilka, bu manzilga albatta bitta bosib alohida oynada ochib qo&#;yamiz. Chunki vazifa aynan usha ssilkada ko&#;rsatilgan saytda bajariladi. Ushbu punktga sal turib qaytamiz.
    2. Подписка в социальных сетях &#; vazifa mavzusi
    3. Vazifa haqida batafsil ma&#;lumot. U yerda asosan e&#;tiborni tortadigan maytdon bu 25 minut, ya&#;ni Sizga vazifani bajarishga berilgan vaqt. Qolganlari uncha muhim ham emas. Asosiy vazifa bu guruhga qo&#;shilish.
    4. Ограничения &#; ta&#;qiqlar. Ular har xil bo&#;lishi mumkin, lekin bu vazifada hech qanday ta&#;qiq yo&#;q.
    5. Минимальные требования к аккаунтам &#; Sizdan minimal talab qilinadigan narsalar. Bizning vazifada talab &#;Количество друзей: 50&#; , ya&#;ni Sizda facebook ijtimoiy tarmog&#;ida akkauntingiz bo&#;lishi va  kamida 50ta do&#;stingiz bo&#;lishi kerak.
    6. Приступить к выполнению проекта &#; vazifani bajarishga kirishish.
  7. Demak, hammasi Sizga tushunarli bo&#;lsa Приступить к выполнению проекта (vazifani bajarish) tugmasini bosamiz. Bizga quyidagicha sahifa ko&#;rsatiladi: Qcommentda pul ishlash
    1. Ссылка на группу, в которую вступили &#; Siz qo&#;shilgan guruh ssilkasini kiritish kerak bo&#;lgan maydon. Masalan, quyidagi vazifada bu ssilka quyidagicha &#; &#;goalma.org&#;. Ushbu ssilkani biz yuqorida Адрес сайта panelida tanlagan edik. Выбрать аккаунт &#; bu tugmani bosib, o&#;zingizni ijtimoiy tarmoqdagi akkauntingizni Qcomment ga ulab qo&#;yishingiz mumkin. Hozirgi holatda esa vazifani bajarish uchun akkauntingizni Qcomment  ga ulab qo&#;yishingiz shart. Bu jarayon bir marotaba bajariladi. Keyingi vazifalarda Sizdan akkaunt ulash so&#;ralmaydi. 
    2. Vazifani bajarish uchun qolgan vaqt.
    3. Bu yerda bizda ikta variant bor. 1-si &#;Отправить&#; &#; vazifani tekshiruvga yuborish bo&#;lsa, 2-si &#;Отказаться от проекта&#; &#; proektdan voz kechish ma&#;nosini anglatadi.
  8. Endi vazifani bajarishga kirishamiz, hozir turgan sahifamizni yuqori qismiga ko&#;tarilib  Адрес сайта: &#;Перейти на сайт заказчика&#; ssilka ustiga bosamiz va facebookdagi guruh sahifasiga o&#;tamiz, so&#;ngra &#;нравится&#; yoki &#;LIKE&#; tugmasini bosamiz. Agarda Sizdan login parol so&#;ralsa ularni kiritamiz. Qcommentda pul ishlash
  9. Vazifani aytilganday bajargan bo&#;lsangiz uni tugatishingiz mumkin. Buning uchun Ссылка на группу, в которую вступили maydoniga facebookdagi guruh(sahifa) ssilkasini (goalma.org) kiritib, Отправить tugmasini bosing. Qcommentda pul ishlash
  10. Vazifani tekshiruvga yuborgach bizga quyidagi oyna ko&#;rsatiladi. Bu yerda shunday deyiladi: &#;buyurtma beruvchi vazifani tekshirgach Sizga 1 rubl pul o&#;tkaziladi&#;.Qcommentda pul ishlash (14)
  11. Agarda barcha qoidalarga tayangan xolda vazifani talab qilingandek to&#;g&#;ri bajargan bo&#;lsangiz, hisobingiz 1 rubl o&#;tishi umuman qiyinchilik tug&#;dirmasligi kerak. E&#;tibor bering vazifa tekshiruvda bo&#;lgani uchun uni &#;Yashil &#;  Siz bajarib bo&#;lgan, lekin hali tekshiruvdan o&#;tayotgan vazifalar&#; bo&#;limidan topishingiz mumkin: Qcommentda pul ishlash

Qcomment birjasida vazifalar asosan mana shunday  yuqoridagi misolimizda ko&#;rganimizdek vazifalardan iborat. Ularni bajarish Sizga umuman qiyinchilik tug&#;dirmasligi kerak. To&#;g&#;ri hozir bu vazifani bajarishga ancha vaqt ketgan bo&#;lishi mumkin. Lekin, bir marta bajargan vazifangizni keyingi safar juda tez bajarasiz. Bunday vazifalar Sizdan o&#;rtacha daqiqa vaqt oladi.

O&#;ylaymizki ushbu maqolamiz orqali Qcomment birjasida ishlashni yahshigina o&#;rganib oldingiz va endilikda vazifalarni bajarish Sizga hech qanday qiyinchilik uyg&#;otmasligi kerak. To&#;g&#;ri, qayerdadir biror nimaga tushunmagan bo&#;lishingiz mumkin. Agarda savollaringiz bo&#;lsa ularni kommentariyda qoldiring.

E&#;tiboringiz uchun rahmat. Maqolamiz Sizga yordam bergan bo&#;lsa juda hursandmiz.

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Miền Bắc:Thửa đất số AD ngách 94/89 phố Thượng Thanh, P. Thượng Thanh, Q. Long Biên,TP. Hà Nội, Việt Nam.

Lời đầu tiên, Chúng tôi xin cảm ơn Khách hàng đang đọc bài viết này của chúng tôi để hiểu thêm về Công ty TNHH TM XNK và KT Đại Kinh Bắc. Chúng tôi tin rằng khi các bạn đọc bài viết này là các bạn đã, đang và sẽ hợp tác với công ty Đại Kinh Bắc.

Công ty Đại Kinh Bắc được Thành lập từ năm với tên Công ty TNHH Thương Mại và Xuất Nhập Khẩu Đại Kinh Bắc và sau đó đến năm chuyển thành Công ty TNHH Thương Mại Xuất Nhập Khẩu và Kỹ Thuật Đại Kinh Bắc.

Nhắc đến Đại Kinh Bắc chúng tôi tự hào là một công ty hàng đầu Việt Nam về cung cấp các thiết bị Máy móc, thiết bị điện công nghiệp như: Motor giảm tốc,Motor giảm tốc mini, động cơ điện 3 pha, mô tơ điện DC, đầu giảm tốc, hộp giảm tốc trục vít bánh vít, hộp giảm tốc NMRV, bơm nước, máy thổi khí, biến tần…. có xuất sứ Nhật Bản, Italia, Hàn quốc, Cộng hòa Czech, Đài Loan, Đức của các thương hiệu như: SPG, GGM, DKM , Oriental, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Bonfiglioli, Dolin, Wansin, Tunglee, Teco, Chenta có chất lượng cao, với giá cả cạnh tranh. Với đội ngũ nhân viên công ty nắm vững các công nghệ hiện đại, có kinh nghiệm và nhiệt tình phục vụ khách hang, chúng tôi không chỉ cung cấp kịp thời cho khách hang các sản phẩm chất lượng cao với giá cả hợp lý mà còn cung cấp cho khách hang những dịch vụ hậu mãi tin cậy.




Phương châm hoạt động 

-          Hợp tác - Phát triển - Thành Công

-         Chất lượng- Uy tín- Chu đáo

Sứ mệnh:

-          Hết mình vì chất lượng !

-          Phục vụ khách hàng nhanh nhất và tốt nhất.

-          Không ngừng duy trì, phát triển và mở rộng thị trường.




Nguồn cung ổn định

Hợp tác chặt chẽ với chúng tôi, Quý khách hàng được đảm bảo cung ứng ổn định về cả số lượng lẫn chất lượng ngay cả trong giai đoạn khó khăn nhất.

Phản hồi nhanh chóng

Mọi thắc mắc của Quý khách hàng sẽ được phản hồi nhanh nhất, trong một khoảng thời gian quy định, thay vì kiểu phản hồi “khi nào có kết quả sẽ báo”

Tác phong chuyên nghiệp

Chúng tôi chỉ cung cấp cho Quý khách hàng những sản phẩm đáp ứng đầy đủ yêu cầu của khách hàng, chứ không phải cố gắng bán tất cả những gì mình có. Trong trường hợp có vấn đề phát sinh Quý khách hàng sẽ liên tục nhận được phản hồi cho đến khi cảm thấy thực sự thỏa mãn.

Chia sẻ thông tin.

Với phương châm “ đôi bên cùng có lợi” chúng tôi xem khách hàng là những người bạn đồng hành thực sự. Chúng tôi chia sẻ những thông tin quan trọng liên quan đến hoạt động kinh doanh của Quý khách hàng nhằm giúp Quý khách hàng chuẩn bị trước những biến động của thị trường


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