was felicity smoak dating arrow and flash? / Arrow's Felicity & Oliver Family to Get Official Update from The CW

was felicity smoak dating arrow and flash?

was felicity smoak dating arrow and flash?

Felicity figured out that the components could be combined to make a "web-nuke" and that it would require Palmer Tech's new power cell. Retrieved June 26, With the success of both Arrow and The Flash , DC broke into television and showed the world that superhero shows can be good and can be successful after the age of Smallville. Felicity later witnessed Oliver's announcement of his mayoral campaign to the public. Your changes have been saved. In the " Elseworlds " crossover event, Felicity creates a device to stabilize the inter-dimensional breach, allowing the Earth Flash to enter Earth She then took the card Double Down attacked Oliver with to Palmer Tech so Curtis could analyze it for anything that could be used to stop him.

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