300 000 years ago date / What Day Was It Years Ago From Today? - Calculatio

300 000 years ago date

300 000 years ago date

Pinpoint dating isn't the strength of genetic analyses, as the ,year margin of error shows. Thank you for your contribution! Feedback form Hi! The picture of human occupation in East Asia during the Pleistocene is a confusing one, says Yameng Zhang, a palaeoanthropologist at Shandong University in Jinan, China. What is Months From Today? Instead, the earliest people had a mix of advanced and primitive characteristics, and over time and across the continent, Homo sapiens evolved into the humans of today, Hublin said. The site is steeped in controversy , however, with some scholars believing that the badly preserved remains look less those of our own species and more like Neanderthals, whose remains are found just a few feet away in the same cave.

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300 000 YEARS AGO DATE / janiceclark.net