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Executive Development Center (EDC), East West University (EWU) arranged a practical session for the students enrolled in the course, LF Testing of Footwear Materials at Intertek Bangladesh, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka, Bangladesh on Friday, July 22, for batch 4 and batch 5 under Tranche 3.

EDC arranged the practical session with the collaboration of Intertek Bangladesh.

The purpose of this practical sessions is for gathering knowledge and it would help to increase the interest of the students in testing of footwear materials as well as the practical aspects of quality control.

Ms. Aliza Sultana, Senior Manager, Footwear Carton and Ceramic Lab, Customer Relationship Management, Intertek Bangladesh was present as a resource person of the Graduate Diploma in Leather and Footwear management Program in the practical session.

The practical session at Intertek Bangladesh was attended by 36 students from batches 4 and 5.


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We&#;re delighted to inform you that in conjunction with the Money Charity, we are hosting a free 1-hour Financial Wellbeing webinar on 28 September.

This webinar is designed to help UNISON members manage their money better, stay on top of their finances and plan for the future.  It also offers the latest in money saving tips.  The webinar, which is delivered on GoToWebinar, covers the following topics:

  • The importance of financial resilience
  • Budgeting and planning
  • Credit and borrowing and your credit score
  • Dealing with problem debt
  • Ways to save money in everyday life
  • How to make your money work harder
  • Introduction to UNISON support and other organisations offering information and support.

All attendees will also receive a free digital copy of the Money Charity&#;s Money Manual as a handy guide to making the most of your money.  [Note: Attendees won&#;t be offered any financial advice during or after the webinar.]

As branch welfare officer you are invited to attend.  However, we would also ask your branch does their bit by promoting this event so that as many members as possible are able to take part.  We&#;ve seen a steep rise in applications for financial assistance over the past 18 months and with many struggling to keep on top of their finances this is an ideal opportunity to pick up useful information which may make managing your money that bit easier.   A flyer that can be used to promote this event is also attached.


To register and guarantee a place now, go to:  goalma.org

Posted in News.


Изследователи от Здравния научен център
на Тексаския университет в Сан Антонио са наблюдавали близо възрастни с наднормено тегло &#; жени и 64 мъже &#; в продължение на една
година. От хората не е било поискано да отслабнат, а да запазят теглото си.

Време за хранене
Тази идея е проста: Упражненията се
правят, когато е най-вероятно
да се храните &#; минути преди хранене или веднага след него.

Отбелязвайки, че моделите на хранене в
реалния живот са сложни (често е трудно да се избере кога да се
яде, още по-малко кога трябва да
се закуси или да се яде), изследователите определят &#;доброто време&#; като упражнения около един час след
Проучването не открива ползи от упражненията
по-близо до хранене.
Кой вид упражнения е по-целесъобразен?

Като цяло изследователите установили, че придържането
към стратегията за определяне на времето преди хранене намалява риска от напълняване.
По-конкретно, тези, които са се упражнявали по време
на повечето дневни хранения, са загубили тегло и са го задържали.

Но кой вид упражнения е по-целесъобразен?
Съществуват множество начини за упражнения, а целите ви ще се различават
в зависимост от вашите здравни и фитнес цели.

Можете да използвате тренировъчната програма LoseIt!
за изготвяне на персонализирана тренировка,
която ще ви помогне да определите най-добрата стратегия за време за изпълнение на вашите фитнес цели.

Например моята персонализирана тренировка може да
изглежда по следния начин:
Има и други предимства и недостатъци на тренировките непосредствено след хранене.
Например хората с диабет могат
да се възползват от хранене, което включва упражнения,
което се препоръчва за хората с диабет тип 2.

Изследователите обаче са установили,
че упражненията непосредствено след хранене могат да затруднят хората да се придържат
към диетичен план. Това е
така, защото е трудно да се
поддържат нивата на енергия
през целия ден. Това е и още една причина да се упражнявате в идеалното време &#;
не просто когато трябва да се упражнявате, а в подходящото време.

Ако искате да отслабнете, идеята,
че трябва да се упражнявате на едно и също място всеки ден, може да звучи привлекателно.
Но ще извлечете повече ползи от упражненията по различно време на деня, което е по-близо
до това, което е установено в
Това не означава, че упражненията на едно и
също място по едно и също време
на деня са лоши. Когато става въпрос за рутинни упражнения, като
например бягане, бих препоръчал да ги
превърнете в част от ежедневието си.

Но се уверете, че мястото, времето
и навиците подпомагат постигането на целите ви.

Така че, ако сутрешното бягане се е превърнало

Here is my page reduslim

Amber Von Tussle

LAUREN KING THOMPSON (Amber Von Tussle) is delighted to return to the SDMT stage! Previous credits include First Date, Last Night in Town, Joseph&#;Dreamcoat (SDMT); How The Grinch Stole Christmas (1st & 2nd National Tours); Animal Crackers, Gypsy, Hay Fever, The Vortex (Cygnet Theatre); Loneliest Girl in the World, Divine Sister (Diversionary); Bachelorette (Backyard Renaissance Theatre); You Can&#;t Take It With You, Joseph&#;Dreamcoat, Guys and Dolls, The Music Man, Pete &#;n&#; Keely, Festival of Christmas (Lamb’s Players Theatre); To Kill A Mockingbird, The Miss Firecracker Contest (New Village Arts); A Midsummer Night&#;s Dream: The Musical (Intrepid Theatre); and Oklahoma (Moonlight Stage Productions). Lauren received her BFA in Musical Theatre from Cal State University, Fullerton.

Recent Posts

Lessons I Learned from Paris Hilton

Posted by pamelafinnesand on October 12,

Today we’ll talk about shameless self-promotion. That’s right, I said it! Shameless! After all, we are learning from Paris Hilton here.

It’s all about self-promotion! Self-promotion comes in many forms and you can use different tactics to get your name out there. Look at politicians! Talk about self-promotion and in some not so discreet ways, at that. But, seriously, consider some of the major superstars we all know. Madonna, Donald Trump, Howard Stern and Bill Clinton, just to name a few.

We all self promote. Did you raise your hand in class to show the teacher you knew the answer? Of course! That’s self-promotion. This is the kind of self-promotion we are talking about. With dignity, class and the knowledge to back it up. If you self-promote only to prove you don’t really know what you’re talking about, you’re going to lose business.

Natural self-promoters are the former and I want to tell you about the three major traits they have and use to build themselves and their businesses.

  1. The first is position. You need to position yourself around people who can make a difference in your life. You need to do this frequently. You need to wake up every morning and ask yourself “Who can I meet today who will make a difference in my success?” In fact, go a step further, write it in big, bold letters and tape it on your bathroom mirror.

Also consider:

Who can help me meet my goals?

Is it a prospective customer/client? A colleague with contacts? An association with key members who may become prospects?

Don’t settle into interacting with the people who are the easiest to access. You need to reach outside your comfort zone and there you will find a wealth of new connections that will bring you great success.

  1. Now, let’s talk about Style. No, this doesn’t mean you need an Armani suit to bring in more business (though, let’s be honest-it wouldn’t hurt).  What this really means is how are you different from your competitors and others in your industry. What makes you memorable with customers?

If you are meeting a lot of people and they don’t remember you once you leave the room, you have a serious problem! This means you have an opportunity to present yourself in a more memorable way.

There are lots of little subtle changes you can make. Reassess your:

  • Business cards
  • Company message
  • Your picture
  • Your wording

Maybe even, your hairstyle (of course, now we’re back to the expensive suit, but it really works!)

You get the idea. There are lots of little ways you can work on making your image and business more successful. Also, consider how you sound on the phone and how you great people at meetings or other events. Think about your sec elevator speech.

  1. The third trait of natural promoters is repetition. You can’t say it once and leave it at that. Successful self-promoters say it as many times as they need until they get a response. Would you remember a commercial for Coca-Cola if you only saw it once, no! You see it over and over and eventually you head out to the store.

You, also, have to make multiple impressions on those you are networking with in order to build brand awareness. Repetition is in direct connection with positioning. Once you find people to network with, reach out and find hundreds more who can help in your success as well.

Une petite idée pour un repas sans chichi, sans grand tralala, mais qu’on aime beaucoup beaucoup&#; Plongeon direct en enfance avec la saucisse purée !

Saucisse aux oignons et aux herbes avec une bonne purée.

Recette notée 5 étoiles avec 1 avis de Carré de boeuf

  • Temps de préparation :
  • Temps de cuisson :

Ingrédients :

- 1 saucisse par personne.
- Pommes de terre.
- Lait.
- Beurre.
- sel.

Préparation :

Sortez les saucisses de l'emballage une demi heure avant la cuisson.
Faites chauffer une poêle et déposez dedans une noisette de beurre. Laissez fondre
Déposez les saucisses et gardez un feu moyen .
Retournez-les des qu'elles commencent à bien griller. Vous verrez, c'est facile sur deux cotés et puis après il faut s'aider du contenu de la poêle pour les garder du bon coté ! Comme un petit jeu de cales et de construction
Au bout de 15 minutes, elles sont cuites !
Pour une cuisson à l'eau, plongez les saucisses dans une casserole d'eau bouillante et laissez les dix bonnes minutes.
Rien ne vous empêche de la finir un petit coup à la poêle pour lui donner un peu de couleur, car elles ressortent de la casserole un peu rose pâle.

En apéritif, j'aime couper les saucisses en rondelles au bout de 12 minutes de cuisson et les refaire dorer quelques minutes. Servies tièdes au bout d'une pique, c'est délicieux !

Et pour la purée maison vous me direz ? et bien allez faire un tour là et vous aurez toutes les indications&#;




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Pin-Up казино считается самым популярным во всех странах среди пользователей Интернета. Многие любители азартных игр выбирают именно этот ресурс для себя неспроста. Сайт имеет множество плюсов и доступен в любое время, даже при блокировки или в другой непредвиденной ситуации.
Когда такие случаи могут быть? Ограничение к доступу может происходить по разным причинам - начиная с профилактических работ и заканчивая блокировкой от государственных органов страны по каким-либо определённым законам.
Именно поэтому существует способ, подробно описанный тут goalma.org, который помогает обходить систему и предоставлять пользователям доступ к контенту всегда, вне зависимости от ограничивающих обстоятельств.
Как же это удаётся производить? Всё дело в том, что сервис Pin-Up имеет собственный зеркальный сайт казино. Такая функция является очень удобной, поскольку сайтом пользуется большое количество людей ежесекундно. Зеркальный сайт полностью копирует оригинальный Pin-Up за исключением доменного имени и местонахождения ресурса.
Вы можете не переживать, пользуясь таким сайтом, ведь все ваши данные находятся в безопасности. Благодаря такой системе дублирования сайта, все пользовательские данные будут сохранены, поэтому вам не придётся создавать новый аккаунт на зеркальном сервисе. Безусловно, есть шанс ошибиться и перейти на фишинговый сайт, который пренадлежит мошенникам. Чтобы этого не произошло, переходите только по ссылкам с официального сайта и будьте бдительны, когда переходите на зеркальный сайт. Помните о тех вещах, которые должны быть различными и схожими у оригинального и зеркального сервисов.
Таким образом, Pin-Up является самой продвинутой платформой казино, потому что вы можете пользоваться ей и не беспокоиться о своей безопасности и сохранности данных.


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