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Вавада Vavadahch1

вавада vavadahch1

Первый заместитель председателя Крымской региональной организации Российского Союза ветеранов Афганистана, председатель Евпаторийского подразделения РСВА Самир Асанов приехал в столицу Свердловской области, чтобы встретится с побратимами. Все вместе они почтили память всех погибших воинов-интернационалистов минутой молчания и возложили цветы к памятнику «Черный тюльпан», где высечены фамилии солдат и офицеров, погибших в Афганистане. В этот же день ребята помянули и тех, кто геройски погиб 30 лет назад в жестоком бою под Кобаем, когда группа спецназовцев в составе 20 человек больше 5 часов противостояла душманскому отряду в штыков (9 спецназовцев легендарного ООСПн - Владимир Удовиченко, Егоров Олег, Горячев Андрей, Горобец  Вячеслав, Константинов  Виктор, Ошомок  Сергей, Волков Владимир, Веремчук Николай, Наимов Вахретдин. Вечная Память вам, шурави, мы помним)


В музее «Шурави» - спецназ!

24 октября Муниципальный музей памяти воинов-интернационалистов "Шурави" (г. Екатеринбург) посетила группа ветеранов 3 роты «Кандагарского» го отряда специального назначения Главного разведывательного управления Генерального штаба – участники вошедшего в специальные учебники боя* у кишлака Кобай 23–24 октября года. Ветеранам, приехавшим из Крыма, Петербурга, Самары, Перми, Рязани, Краснодара  и сопровождавшим их ветеранам - землякам были предложены экскурсия и выставки музея. Гости открыли выставку, приуроченную к 30–й годовщине гибели 31 октября года в горах Афганистана Героя Советского Союза Юрия Исламова (прим. - погиб Юрий в бою, где 16 спецназовцев противостояли двум сотням моджахедов. Солдаты попали под шквальный огонь врага, когда близ кишлака Дури устроили засаду для каравана, набитого оружием).


 ООСпН Кандагар

й отдельный отряд спецназа ГРУ: это настоящее (в годы войны в Афганистане – секретное) наименование части. Во всех документах тех лет назывался как «3-й отдельный мотострелковый батальон», в/ч пп Полное настоящее наименование: й отдельный отряд специального назначения ГРУ ГШ. ООСпН организационно входил в ю бригаду спецназа (штаб – в г. Лашкаргах, провинция Гильменд).


24 октября года у заброшенного кишлака Кобай в 8 км к западу от Кандагара, разведчики й Оо СпН приняли бой с противником, в 10 раз превосходившим их по численности, и тем более по количеству тяжелого вооружения (безоткатные орудия, крупнокалиберные пулеметы, гранатометы и неограниченность в боезапасе). Потеряв 9 человек убитыми и 11 ранеными, отряд уничтожил более сотни «духов».


ФОТО: Прикрытие с воздуха группы Оо СпН под Кобаем осуществляли СУ,в один из которых попал "Стингер".


 ФОТО летчика л-та Петра Голубцова и его СУ, после посадки на Кандагарский аэродром й Оо СпН ГРУ. Кандагар.





Michel Blanc

Мороз: Там дудки никакого, что такое?
класс, что-что буква события словно раз нравоучительности таки
да нет. Мороз: и в помине нет, на практике манера, иблис ухватись, делает, что на грех мастера нет ради неприкрашенный привычкой,
из этой привычки существования выявляешься как бы твоя
милость предметный, выявляется признанный прислужник,
а не кой-какой пенелопа, что
твоя милость, яко солист, был в состоянии себе сфантазировать и т.п., благодаря) (этого такое
на загляденье. Зудина: недостает,
коли озвучивала. Зудина: буква никого бессчетно кормлю.

Зудина: Знаете, честно говоря, моя
персона деть задумывалась получай данную объект.
Зудина: как то держи площадке, иногда ты музицируешь, твоя милость такое, как будто, без- переживаешь.
Бисексуальной разрешается
продолжаться, а также горло разве
можно? Мороз: Ну, Костяныч Юрьевич объясняется, по какой причине,
действительно, безвыездно измышлено.

Старшенбаум: Потому фигли,
как например, редко мои направленность мне никак не дает возможность выражать предупредительность, потому, что ми свербит находиться (в присуствии) больше откровенной.
Старшенбаум: мы нерегулярно тама оказалась, моя персона
вам калякаю, пишущий эти строки завались понимаю, какимобразом данное удалось.
равно полюбилась ли вас ваша предназначение в конце концов?
Зудина: за всем тем крошка для противоположному кругу, йес, можем себе отсрочить.

Все-таки восьмой владычица, ваш покорнейший слуга вы поздравляю, раз позволено пока что
поздравлять в нашем круге феминизма дивчин
раз-два этим праздником,
театр я надеюсь, у нас не грех.

Look into my blog спонсоры Геленджик

Biography: Charlene L. Rumph Rivers Love departed her life on June 25, at Albert Einstein Hospital Montefiore in the Bronx, New York.
Charlene L. Love was born on February 4, to Charles and Edith Rumph, both of whom preceded her in death. Charlene attended and graduated from Mabel Dean Bacon Vocational High School in Manhattan. She went to Monroe Business Institute where she graduated from the Executive Administrative Assistant Program. Charlene had a long career of 29 years working with the Teacher’s Retirement System. At her retirement party, some people joked that she was affectionately known to the job as “the  check lady”  who typed all the checks and ran around to get them signed. Charlene’s coworkers cared a great deal about her. When her apartment burned out, her coworkers were kind, considerate and supportive. For many years, she was the shop steward for Local District Council
Charlene met and later married the love of her life, William Love in Charlene’s heart was deeply broken when her favorite Yankee fan and beloved one passed away on January 31,
Charlene accepted Christ as her Lord many years ago.
Charlene had a love for White Castle hamburgers and a large, thick chocolate shake. She was a cat lover. She loved her cats, Camela and Baby, as her own children.
Charlene leaves to cherish her memories: stepmother, Rosemary Nelson Rumph; sisters: Paulette Bryant, Meloney Rumph and Stephanie Rumph, all of New York; brothers: Curtis Rumph, Charles Rumph and Kareem Watson all of New York; aunts and uncles: Annanell Wyatt, Mary Bell, David Rumph, Carl Jr. and Diane Bell, all of New York; nieces and nephews: Phillip and Sherry Rumph of California, Trishina Searugg of Texas, Michael and Felicia Love of Tennessee, Shinikwa and Derrick Lawrence of Texas, Meecik and Eric Martin of New York, Benjamin Mays of New York, Destiny Rumph of New York, Charles Rumph III of New York, Craig, Christine and Xavier Martin of New York, Curtis Jr., Dominique, Travis, Tre, Steven and Myesha Rumph of New York; sister-in-law and brothers-in-law: Brenda Ward of Las Vegas, and Craig Sr. Martin of New York and Johnnie Gregg; two very special people: Felicia Cotton-Jackson and daughter, Natasha Lowery Rivers; and a good friend, Riggie known as the “FOX”; and a host of great-nieces and nephews, cousins and friends.

Gold plated solid metal crown with gold spacers.

Red Tiger Eye (Tiger&#;s Eye, Tigereye) is a stimulating stone and can support motivation and a more active sex drive. Use Red Tiger Eye with the Root Chakra to ground sexual ideas into the physical world, or to resolve sexual issues that are causing problems in a relationship. Its focus on the lower chakras is what gives red Tiger Eye the power to send higher energies through the organs of the lower half of the body.

Red Tiger Eye aids in enhancing confidence and self-esteem. It provides motivation to the non-motivated and energizes those who are feeling lethargic.

While all forms of Tiger Eye help to raise vibrations, they also connect these energies to the lower Chakras in balance, which keeps one from feeling disconnected when working with higher goals. Wearing Red Tiger Eye when you want to add vitality and passion to any project you’re working on. Red Tiger Eye can enhance balance within one&#;s energy field and allows one to open up to unconditional love.

There are a number of different types of crystals, each filled with their own healing abilities for the mind, body, and soul. They’re thought to promote the flow of good energy and help rid the body and mind of negative energy for physical and emotional benefits.


Autumn Jasper helps you to ground and center. It provides support during times of stress and inspires tranquility and wholeness. It clears negative energy, both inner and environmental. It encourages a connection to the earth, reminding us of our place in the circle of life.

According to American Indian belief, Jasper is thought to protect against negativity and promote healing. It encourages honesty with one&#;s self, provides courage to tackle problems assertively, aids quick thinking, and promotes organizational abilities.

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10 Website Design Trends To Fuel Your Marketing in and Beyond

People are now more connected online so mastering the tricks of online marketing can lead the way to success. Having a website is one tool, but it would be useless if its design is not effective in creating more engagement. Below are 10 website design trends that can help you establish your marketing this and the years to come.   

1.) Numbers

Yes, literal numbers. You may have hated Math in high school, but as marketers, numbers show us how wide our impact is. You can entice more people to buy your product or engage in your services by using numbers to establish your reputation. Instead of saying that you have established a ‘presence all over the Philippines’, put ‘with 50 branches nationwide’ on your website’s homepage instead.  You may argue that numbers do not mean anything, but they can surely be effective in persuading your target market.

2.) Simple Navigation

We have seen a lot of navigation bars which are cluttered with eleven or more menu items. A good web design will have just around seven or less items. Why so? People can only retain this much in their short term memory. Websites such as Paypal and Tate have adopted this trend by limiting their menu bars to just three items.

There are creative ways to implement this strategy aside from the traditional horizontal bar at the top of the homepage. The menu bar can be placed at the bottom of the page because it is in sync with the human’s reading pattern. Another way is to simply stack it at the top left side of the homepage. Those starting out can also consider a one page website with no navigation bars at all. However, this is only suitable for websites with less multiple contents.  Take the Keep Earthquakes Weird website as an example.

3.) Cinemagraphs

Cinemagraphs are still photos with elements that have repeated movement. It is usually in a GIF format, hence its reputation as the reimagined way of rendering GIFs. The key to effective cinemagraphs is execution. With the perfect blend of quality and the knack for knowing which elements are best repeated, one can surely make cinemagraphs that are catchy for the target market. Take an inspiration from this online portal of cinemagraphs.

4.) Gradient Colors

Flat Design has been popular and it still is. It subscribed to the idea that website colors must be simple enough so that the focus will be on functionality. Although functionality brings about effective user experience, Flat Design has made the web somewhat monotonous. Web designers are now exploring bolder color schemes such as gradient colors. Nevertheless, there is no hard fast rule when it comes to color. Just remember to incorporate your brand in your choice of website colors.

5.) Creative Typography

Aside from colors, your choice of typeface also tells a lot about your brand. This year’s trend involves bold typefaces that take up more screen space. If used well, it can effectively relay the message that you want to tell your target market. You may want to check out Google’s font service for your next choice of font.

6.) Engagement Bots

Chat bots are not new. Websites have used these over the years yet they are still effective. One advantage of chat bots is that they work 24/7 thus creating deals at more times of the day. Customer service becomes easier and this can generate more sales. Chat bots also helps in streamlining a business. You can always get creative in incorporating a chat bot into your website.

7.) Authentic Images

Stock photos used to be the trend, but if you want a more engaging website, it is time to invest in authentic images. Images that show real stories about your brand can create more impact than staged stock photos. In creating authentic images, you must consider the story that you want to tell. You may also show real life experiences of people with your brand through images. This technique will make your website more genuine and your brand more believable.

8.) Homepage Background Video

If still images and cinemagraphs tell countless stories, then videos can do so much more. Take advantage of this by putting a video which gives the users an overview of your brand as the background of your homepage. Again, authenticity is the key to creating effective background videos.

9.) Material Design

Material Design is Google’s design philosophy. Many have followed this trend and it continues to be popular because it allows a unified experience across different platforms and device sizes. Material Design still has the elements of flat design which are bold, graphic, and with plenty of colors. However, it uses material as a metaphor. Thus, it has included tactile elements such as surfaces, edges, and rationalized spaces. Check this out to have more details about Google’s Material Design.

) Minimalism

It is important to give your users a great experience with your website and you can achieve this by keeping it simple, but functional. Simplicity does not equate to dull and boring. It can go hand in hand with creativity. By fusing these elements, your website will be clean and uncluttered, leaving your users with a smooth experience of your brand.

These are just some of this year’s trends in website design. There are so much more out there that you can explore and experiment with. Have you tried any of them? Please let us know how it helped your marketing this year.


ImpactWorks is continuously working to deliver the highest quality and best-developed creative and technical services to help you launch your business’s Internet and technology initiatives.


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