izopropil miristat nedir / İzopropil Miristat - O Kimya A.Ş.

Izopropil Miristat Nedir

izopropil miristat nedir



İsopropyl Myristate (İZOPROPİL MİRİSTAT)


CAS Number:

EC Number




isopropyl myristate;isopropylmyristate;ISOPROPYL MYRISTATE;Isopropyl tetradecanoate;;Estergel;Promyr;Tetradecanoic acid, 1 methylethylester;Bisomel;Isomyst;Kesscomir;Tegester;Deltyl Extra;Sinnoester MIP;Crodamol IPM;Plymoutm IPM;Starfol IPM;Unimate IPM;Kessco IPM;Emcol-IM;Wickenol ;Stepan D;Emerest ;JA-FA IPM;Kessco isopropyl myristate;Crodamol I.P.M.;Deltylextra;Myristic acid isopropyl ester;Tetradecanoic acid, isopropyl;Tetradecanoic acid, isopropyl ester;isopropylmyristate;Myristic acid, isopropyl ester;1-Methylethyl tetradecanoate;Caswell No. E;UNII- 0RE8K4LNJS;1-Tridecanecarboxylic acid, isopropyl ester;NSC ;FEMA No. ;HSDB ;IPM-EX;IPM-R;EINECS ;propanyl tetradecanoate;EPA Pesticide Chemical Code ;Isopropyl tetradecanoic acid;BRN ;CHEBI;IPM ;AXISYYRBXTVTFY-UHFFFAOYSA-N;MFCD;NCGC;WE( (1Me)/);DSSTox_CID_;Isopropyl myristate, 98%;DSSTox_RID_;DSSTox_GSID_;Q;CAS;Isopropyl myristate [USAN];Tegosoft M;Isopropyl myristate [USAN:NF];Liponate IPM;Lexol IPM;Crodamol I.P.P.M.; Deltylextra; Myristic acid isopropyl ester; Tetradecanoic acid, isopropyl; Tetradecanoic acid, isopropyl ester; isopropylmyristate; Myristicacid, isopropyl ester; 1-Methylethyl tetradecanoate; Caswell No. E; UNII-0RE8K4LNJS, 1-Tridecanecarboxylic acid, isopropyl ester; NSC ; FEMA No; EINECS ; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code ; Isopropyl tetradecanoic acid; BRN ; CHEBI; IPM ; AXISYYRBXTVTFY-; Isopropyl myristate, 98%; CAS; Isopropyl myristate [USAN]; Tegosoft M; Isopropyl myristate [USAN:NF]; Liponate IPM; Lexol IPM; Crodamol I.P.P.M.




İzopropil miristat


İzopropil miristat [1]

Izopropil miristat



Propanil tetradekanoat

Diğer isimler

Tetradekanoik asit, 1-metiletil ester

Miristik asit izopropil ester


CAS numarası


3D model ( JSmol )

Etkileşimli görüntü



ECHA Bilgi Kartı

EC Numarası 


D &#;


PubChem CID

RTECS numarası 


CompTox Kontrol Paneli ( EPA )

DTXSID Bunu Wikidata'da düzenle



İzopropil miristat Özellikleri

İzopropil miristat Kimyasal formül

Cı- 17 , H 34 O 2

İzopropil miristat Molar kütle g · mol -1

İzopropil miristat Yoğunluk g / cm³

İzopropil miristat Kaynama noktası 9 mmHg'de ° C ( ° F; K)

İzopropil miristat Tehlikeler

R-ibareleri (eski) R38

S-ibareleri (eski) S24 / 25

NFPA (ateş pırlanta) 

NFPA dört renkli elmas

Aksi belirtilmedikçe, standart halindeki malzemeler için veriler verilir (25 ° C [77 ° F], kPa'da).

&#; doğrula ( nedir ?) &#;&#;

Bilgi kutusu referansları

İzopropil miristat (IPM) olan ester ve izopropil alkol ve miristik asit .



İzopropil miristat Kullanımlar 

İzopropil miristat polar bir yumuşatıcıdır ve cilde iyi emilim istenen kozmetik ve topikal tıbbi preparatlarda kullanılır. İzopropil miristat bir cilt arttırıcı olarak araştırılmaktadır. İzopropil miristat Baş bitlerinin dış iskeletini kaplayan balmumunu çözerek ve dehidrasyon ile öldürerek baş bitlerine karşı bir pestisit olarak kullanılır . [2]İzopropil miristat Evcil hayvanlar için pire ve kene öldürme ürünlerinde aynı şekilde kullanılır.


İki fazlı gargara ürünü " Dentil pH " ın sulu olmayan bileşeni olarak ağız boşluğundan bakterileri uzaklaştırmak için kullanılır .

İzopropil miristat ayrıca parfüm malzemelerinde ve protez makyajın çıkarılma işleminde bir çözücü olarak kullanılır .

Esterin izopropil miristattan hidrolizi , asidi ve alkolü serbest bırakabilir. Asit, formülasyonların pH değerinin düşürülmesinden sorumlu olabilir. [3] [4]





İzopropil miristat CAS

NUMARASI - 27 - 0 










DERECESİ ( % ) 99






















İZOPROPİL MİRİSTAT, kozmetik sektöründe ve bilhassa el ve yüz kremlerinde, vücut kremlerinde ve anti - aging krem ve losyonlarda yağlayıcı ajan olarak kullanılır.

İZOPROPİL MİRİSTAT, tarım sektöründe ise, insektisit, fungusit ve herbisitlerle ilgili sıvı formda tarım ilaçları üretilirken emülgatörlerle birlikte taşıyıcı olarak kullanılır.


İZOPROPİL MİRİSTAT, hammaddesi dahil olmak üzere, bitki besleme,bitki koruma, insektisitler,fungusitler,akarisidler ve herbasitlere ait hammaddelerin fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri,kimyasal formülleri,çözünürlüğü ve kullanıldığı alanlara ait geniş bilgileri TARIM HAMMADDELERİ ANSİKLOPEDİSİ içerisinde bulabilirsiniz.


İzopropil Miristat 1 Lt

İzopropil Miristat Cosmetic Grade

Stok Kodu




Laboratuvar Kimyasalları

Özel Durum

Kimyasal maddeler kategorisinde bulunan bir kısım tehlikeli kimyasalların (zehirli, bayıltıcı, patlayıcı yapıda olabilecek ürünler) satışı şahıslara yapılmamaktadır.


İzopropil miristat, izopropil alkol ve miristik asidin esteridir.


İzopropil miristat,Formül: C17H34O2

İzopropil miristat,Yoğunluk: kg/m³

İzopropil miristat,Kaynama noktası: °C

İzopropil miristat,Molar kütle: , g/mol

İzopropil miristat,PubChem Bileşik Kimlik Numarası:




2-oktil dodesil miristat

Setil 2-etil hoekzanoat

Di-izostearil maleat

İzopropil miristat

İzopropil palmitat

Setil esterleri (Sentetik spermaceti)



İzopropil miristat, iyi niyetle dolu yeşil bir yağ esteri!

İzopropil miristat (CAS: ; EC: ), 'lerden beri kozmetik alanında yaygın olarak kullanılan bir yağ asidi esteridir (miristik asidin izopropil esteri). Önemli yayılma gücü nedeniyle takdir edilmektedir. Aynı zamanda film oluşturucu bir bileşen olduğu söylenir. Cosing bunu bir "bağlayıcı, yumuşatıcı, maskeleme, parfüm maddesi" olarak sunar. Bunu yumuşatıcı bir etki olarak kabul edersek, koku etkisi veya kötü kokuları maskelemek, açıklanmalı, izopropil miristat mükemmel kokusuz bir sıvıdır. "Koku, maskeleme" terimlerinin kullanımını haklı çıkaran bir dizi koku molekülüne göre izopropil miristatın çözücü özellikleridir. Ancak gözlerimizde, izopropil miristat bundan çok daha fazlasıdır Bu bileşen, bu nedenle, tüm özelliklerini dikkatlice detaylandırmak için bir Bakışı hak etti.



İzopropil miristat "Yeşil" bir içerik

Doğada mevcut olmasa da, İzopropil miristat la ilgili belirli sentez modlarını düşünüyorsa, bu bileşen "yeşil" olarak nitelendirilebilir. İzopropil miristat, aslında, Candida antartica'dan lipaz B kullanılarak enzimatik sentez ile elde edilebilir.



Kanıtlanmış penetrasyon arttırıcı etki

İzopropil miristatın penetrasyon arttırıcı etkisi iyi belgelenmiştir. Transdermal geçişin araştırılması için 'lerde in vitro modellerde önerilen, bariyerin diğer tarafını hızla geçiyor ve çeşitli aktif tıbbi bileşenlerin penetrasyonunun kolaylaştırıcısı olarak çalışılıyor.3,4 bu bileşen lipit zarlarını inceltebilir, böylece bileşenlerin hücre içerisine nüfuz etmesini kolaylaştırabilir.5 Sudan oluşan bir hidroalkol karbomer jelde% 3 izopropil miristatın dahil edilmesi, Carbopol ve soda, ciltteki testosteron akışını altı kat çarpar.6 Bir lanolin merhemine dahil edilen izopropil alkol / izopropil miristat (1/1 oranında) karışımı, bu arada, içermeyen eksipiyan ile karşılaştırıldığında betametazonvalerat akışını 12 ile çarpmak. 7 Diklofenak sodyum içeren bir jel için de aynı şey geçerlidir. penetrasyon arttırıcılar (laktik asit, izopropil miristat, etanol), anti-enflamatuar preparatların formülasyonunun bir parçası olarak gerçekleştirilebilir.9 Bazı transdermal yamalara dahil edilmesi durumunda, yapışkanın karakteristiklerinde bir azalma fenomeni sistem; bu durumda, izopropil miristatın söz konusu polimer için plastikleştirici bir rol oynadığı söylenir. 10 Farmasötik alanda çok çalışılan bu penetrasyon arttırıcı etki, korkunun olduğu kozmetik alanda göz ardı edilir. cilde nüfuz etme kavramından söz ederek tüketicileri korkutur. Sessiz ol, bu yüzden daha fazlasını söylemeyeceğiz!



İzopropil miristat Şüpheli bir antimikrobiyal etki

Bir oftalmik preparatın sterilitesini kontrol etmek istendiğinde, mikroorganizmaları test edilecek dozaj formundan izole etmek için membran filtrasyonu gerçekleştirilir. Test edilecek preparatı seyreltmek için izopropil miristat bir çözücü olarak kullanıldığında, bazı bakteri suşlarının duyarlılığı nedeniyle yanlış negatifleri gözlemleyebileceği fark edilir; özellikle Pseudomonas aeruginosa'yı düşüneceğiz Bu fenomen 'lerde belli sayıda mikrobiyolog tarafından gözlemlendi; Bazıları antimikrobiyal etkiyi esterleştirmek için değil, hammaddede bulunan asit katalizörlerinin izlerine itti.1 Dikkat, son olarak, tüm mikroplar duyarlı değildir (eğer duyarlılık varsa). İzopropil miristatın B. subtilis ve E. coli üzerinde bir etkisi yoktur Antimikrobiyal koruyucuların sayısını ve dozunu en aza indirmek için çaba sarf edildiği bir zamanda, dikkate alınması yararlı olabilir. Bu yağ esterinin antimikrobiyal gücü hakkında adil bir fikir edinmek için bu çalışmaları hatırlayın ve tekrar bu yönde kazın.


Aslında, anti-bit losyonlarının bileşiminde% 50'ye girdiğinde, nörotoksik pedikülisitler tip permetrin veya piretrin içermeyen bitleri etkili bir şekilde yok etmeyi mümkün kıldığını biliyoruz Dernek İzopropil silikon-miristat ayrıca bit önleyici kontrol için iyi bir ikili

İzopropil miristatın özellikleri


İzopropil miristat Moleküler Formül: C17H34O2

İzopropil miristat Molekül Ağırlığı: g / mol

IUPAC Adı: propanyl tetradecanoate

İzopropil miristat Fiziksel Tanımlama: Sıvı

İzopropil miristat Renk: ISOPROPYL MYRISTATE düşük viskoziteli sıvı

İzopropil miristat Kaynama Noktası: mm Hg'de K ( derece)

İzopropil miristat Erime Noktası: Yaklaşık 3 derece C

İzopropil miristat Yoğunluk: 20 ° C'de g / cu cm





İzopropil miristat, güzellik ürünlerinde bir yumuşatıcı, kıvam arttırıcı madde veya yağlayıcı olarak kullanılan sentetik bir yağdır. İzopropil Alkol (bir propan türevi) ve Miristik Asit (doğal olarak oluşan bir yağ asidi) içeren İzopropil miristat, popüler bir kozmetik ve farmasötik bileşendir. Çoğu zaman, aftershaves, şampuan, banyo yağları, antiperspiranlar, deodorantlar, ağız hijyeni ürünleri ve çeşitli kremler ve losyonlarda bir katkı maddesi olarak kullanılır.



İzopropil miristat, izopropanol ve miristik asit esteridir. İzopropil Myristate, güzellik ürünlerinde bir yumuşatıcı, kıvam verici madde veya yağlayıcı olarak kullanılan sentetik bir yağdır. İzopropil Alkol (bir propan türevi) ve Myristic Asit (doğal olarak oluşan bir yağ asidi) içeren Isopropil Myristate, popüler bir kozmetik ve farmasötik bileşfunduszeue.infopil miristat Çoğu zaman, aftershaves, şampuan, banyo yağları, antiperspiranlar, deodorantlar, ağız hijyeni ürünleri ve çeşitli kremler ve losyonlarda bir katkı maddesi olarak kullanılır.



İzopropil Miristat Kullanım Alanları


İzopropil miristat polar bir yumuşatıcıdır ve cilde iyi bir şekilde emilimin arzu edildiği kozmetik ve topikal ilaç preparasyonlarında kullanılır. İzopropil miristat cilt geliştirici olarak incelenmektedir. Aynı zamanda kafa bitlerinin dış iskeletini örten balmumu eriterek ve onları dehidrasyonla öldürerek çalışan bit başlarına karşı bir böcek ilacı olarak da kullanılır.

İzopropil miristat Parfüm malzemelerinde solvent olarak kullanılır.

İzopropil miristat Ağız boşluğundan bakterileri uzaklaştıran iki fazlı gargara olan Dentyl pH'ın sulu olmayan bir bileşenidir.

İzopropil miristat Protez kalıba çıkarma işleminde de kullanılır.

İzopropil miristat Ayrıca evcil hayvanlar için pire ve kene ürünlerinde de kullanılır.

İzopropil miristat Esterin izopropil miristattan hidrolizi, asit ve alkolü serbest bırakabilir. İzopropil miristat , Asit, formülasyonların pH değerinin düşürülmesinden sorumlu olabilir.


İzopropil miristat nasıl kullanılır?


Cilt bakım şirketlerinin, ürünlerinde genellikle izopropil miristat içermesinin birçok nedeni vardır. Belki de en yaygın nedenlerden biri, bu kimyasalın cildi nemlendirmesidir. Bir yumuşatıcı olarak, izopropil miristat, cildin doğal nem bariyerini güçlendirmeye yardımcı olur, bu da nem kaybını azaltarak nemlendirilmesine yardımcı olur.

İzopropil miristatın bir başka yararı, formülasyonları kalınlaştırması ve kremler ve deodorantlara daha yoğun bir doku kazandırmasıdır. Bu özellik, kullanıcının cildinin durumunu doğrudan iyileştirmese de, daha kalın bir krem &#;&#;daha lüks hissedebilir ve böylece tüketicinin zevkini artırabilir. Dahası, bu, deodorantlar gibi bazı ürünlerin cilde daha pürüzsüz uygulanmasını sağlar.

Ayrıca, izopropil miristat, yüksek yağ içeriğine sahip ürünlerin genel dokusunu geliştirme kabiliyetine değer verir. Çok fazla yağ içeren ürünler olabilir cilt için inanılmaz derecede yararlıdır, ancak yağlı his birçok tüketici için bir kapanma olabilir. Ek olarak, fazla yağın neden olduğu yağlılık, bu tür kremleri profesyonel bir ortamda kullanmak için pratik olmaz. İzopropil miristat dahil, bu tür ürünler için yararlı bir katkı olabilir, çünkü dokuyu yağdan ziyade daha ipeksi bir şekilde değiştirecektir.

Son olarak, izopropil miristatın ayrıca güçlü cilt nüfuz özelliklerine sahip olduğuna inanılmaktadır. Bu, isopropil miristatın diğer cilt iyileştirici kimyasalların daha derinlere nüfuz etmesine yardımcı olabileceğinden değerli bir özelliktir; Böylece kişisel bakım ürünlerini daha etkili hale getirir.






İsopropyl Myristate

İsopropyl myristate


IUPAC name

Propanyl tetradecanoate

Other names

Tetradecanoic acid, 1-methylethyl ester

Myristic acid isopropyl ester


CAS Number


3D model (JSmol)

Interactive image



ECHA InfoCard

EC Number 


D &#;


PubChem CID

RTECS number 


CompTox Dashboard (EPA)

DTXSID Edit this at Wikidata




Chemical formula


Molar mass g·mol-1

Density g/cm³

Boiling point °C ( °F; K) at 9 mmHg


R-phrases (outdated) R38

S-phrases (outdated) S24/25

NFPA (fire diamond) 

NFPA four-colored diamond

Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], kPa).

&#; verify (what is &#;&#; ?)

Infobox references

İsopropyl Myristate (IPM) is the ester of isopropyl alcohol and myristic acid.




İsopropyl Myristate is a polar emollient and is used in cosmetic and topical medicinal preparations where good absorption into the skin is desired. İsopropyl Myristate is being studied as a skin enhancer. It is also used as a pesticide against head lice which works by dissolving the wax that covers the exoskeleton of head lice, killing them by dehydration.[2] It is used in the same way in flea and tick killing products for pets.



İsopropyl Myristate is used to remove bacteria from the oral cavity as the non-aqueous component of the two-phase mouthwash product "Dentyl pH".


İsopropyl Myristate is also used as a solvent in perfume materials, and in the removal process of prosthetic make-up.

Hydrolysis of the ester from İsopropyl Myristate can liberate the acid and the alcohol. The acid could be responsible for decreasing of the pH value of formulations.[3][4]


Product Name: İsopropyl Myristate



SynonymsBISOMEL; Myristic acid isopropyl ester; ESTERGEL; Isopropyl Tetradecanoate; Isopropyl-myristate; 1-methylethyl ester of tetradecanoic acid; i-propyl myristate; ja-faipm; Emcol-IM; myristic acid isopropyl ester; IPM ,IPM-EX,IPM-R; Isomyst; IPM; D 50; isopropyl myristinate; Promyr; Revenge; Tegester;

EC Number

IUPAC Namepropanyltetradecanoate

Molecular FormulaC17H34O2

Molecular Weight

Exact Mass

Boiling PointºC (9 mmHg)

Melting Point-5°C

Flash Point°F

Density (25°C)

AppearanceColorless or slightly yellow oily liquid



Safty DescriptionSS36

Hazard StatementsXi:Irritant

WGK Germany-

StabilityStable. Combustible. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.

Packing GroupI; II; III

Viscositycp (25°C)

Alpha Sortİsopropyl Myristate


İsopropyl myristate is a moisturizer with polar characteristics used in cosmetics and topical medical preparations to ameliorate the skin absorption. İsopropyl Myristate has been largely studied and impulsed as a skin penetration enhancer. At the moment the primary usage for which İsopropyl Myristate is formally indicated is as the active ingredient in a non-prescription pediculicide rinse.



Isopropyl tetradecanoate is a fatty acid ester.




Therapeutic Uses HelpNew Window

İsopropyl Myristate 50% in cyclomethicone solution (Full Marks Solution - SSL International) is a new fluid treatment with a physical mode of action that uses a minute contact time /for treatment of head lice.




Drug Ther Bull 47 (5): () (No authors given)


/Experimental Therapy/ A pediculicide rinse, 50% İsopropyl Myristate (IPM), was assessed in two phase 2 trials conducted in North America. The first trial was a nonrandomized (proof of concept) trial without a comparator conducted in Winnipeg, Canada. The second trial, conducted in the United States, was an evaluator-blinded, randomized superiority trial comparing 50% IPM rinse with a positive control (RID; pyrethrin %, piperonyl butoxide 4%). The primary end points were to determine the safety and efficacy of 50% IPM as a pediculicide rinse. METHODS: Subjects meeting inclusion criteria were enrolled in the above-mentioned trials with efficacy end points 7 and 14 days post-treatment. Subjects were also evaluated on days 0, 7, 14, and 21 for the presence of erythema and edema using the Modified Draize Scale. Other comments associated with the safety evaluation (ie, pruritus) were collected. RESULTS: IPM was found to be effective in the proof of concept study and comparator trial using a positive control. IPM was also well tolerated, with minimal adverse events. All adverse events were mild, resolving by completion of the study. CONCLUSION: Data suggest that IPM is a safe and effective therapy for the treatment of head lice in children and adults. IPM's mechanical mechanism of action makes development of lice resistance unlikely.




Kaul N et al; J Cutan Med Surg 11 (5): ()


Due to their distinct advantages such as enhanced drug solubility, thermodynamic stability, facile preparation, and low cost, uses and applications of microemulsions have been numerous. Recently, there is a surge in the exploration of microemulsion for transdermal drug delivery for their ability to incorporate both hydrophilic (5-fluorouracil, apomorphine hydrochloride, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, tetracaine hydrochloride, and methotrexate) and lipophilic drugs (estradiol, finasteride, ketoprofen, meloxicam, felodipine, and triptolide) and enhance their permeation Besides surfactants, oils can also act as penetration enhancers (oleic acid, linoleic acid, İsopropyl Myristate, isopropyl palmitate, etc.).




Azeem A et al; Drug Dev Ind Pharm 35 (5): ()


/Experimental Therapy/ Alpha-tocopherol (AT) is the vitamin E homologue with the highest in vivo biological activity. AT protects against the carcinogenic and mutagenic activity of ionizing radiation and chemical agents, and possibly against UV-induced cutaneous damage. For stability consideration, alpha-tocopherol is usually used as its prodrug ester, alpha-tocopherol acetate (ATA), which once absorbed into the skin is hydrolyzed to alpha-tocopherol, the active form. Permeation studies were conducted using modified Franz diffusion cells and human cadaver skin as the membrane. Specifically, 5% (w/w) alpha-tocopherol acetate was formulated in the following vehicles: ethanol, İsopropyl Myristate, light mineral oil, 1% Klucel gel in ethanol, and 3% Klucel gel in ethanol (w/w). The permeabilities of ATA through human cadaver skin were x, x, x, x, and x cm/hr for the ethanol solution, İsopropyl Myristate solution, light mineral oil solution, 1% Klucel gel, and 3% Klucel gel, respectively. The results show that the formulation had relatively minor effects on the permeability coefficients of ATA through cadaver skin in all cases except for the İsopropyl Myristate solution.




Mahamongkol H et al; J Cosmet Sci 56 (2): ()


/Experimental Therapy/ The purpose of this research was to prepare a pseudolatex transdermal delivery system for terbutaline sulfate and to evaluate the effect of pH and organic ester penetration enhancers on permeation kinetics of terbutaline sulfate through mice abdominal skin and human cadaver skin. The permeation profile and related kinetic parameters of terbutaline sulfate was determined in presence of 3 ester-type permeation enhancers incorporated in the films, viz methyl laureate, isopropyl lanolate, and İsopropyl Myristate. Among the 3, the more pronounced enhancing effect was obtained with İsopropyl Myristate, regarding the permeation flux, permeability coefficient, and diffusion coefficient. This was attributed to solubility parameter of İsopropyl Myristate being closer to the solubility parameter of human skin, and such a pronounced enhancing effect was probably caused by its passage across the skin barrier through the lipid pathway.




Full text: funduszeue.info

Panigrahi L et al; AAPA PharmSciTech 6(2): E ()


/Experimental Therapy/ A transdermal dosage form of trazodone hydrochloride (TZN) may be useful in the treatment of moderate to severe depression in schizophrenic patients by providing prolonged duration of action. The aim of /this/ investigation was to evaluate its flux and the effects of various penetration enhancers, viz., İsopropyl Myristate (IPM), isopropyl palmitate (IPP), butanol and octanol on transdermal permeation from matrix-based formulations through the skin. The enhancing effect on the permeation of TZN was determined using the mouse and human cadaver epidermis. The highest enhancing effect was obtained with IPM followed by butanol, octanol and IPP. In general, higher fluxes were observed through mouse epidermis as compared with the human cadaver epidermis




Das MK et al; Acta Pol Pharm 63 (6): ()


/Experimental Therapy/ The purpose of this study was to mechanistically investigate effects of isopropanol (IPA)-İsopropyl Myristate (IPM) binary enhancers on transport of a model drug, estradiol (E2) in human epidermis (stratum corneum + viable epidermis) in vitro. The study was focused on use of the same IPA-IPM compositions on both sides of the skin ("symmetric" configuration) with saturated E2 (maximum thermodynamic activity). For E2 transport in all IPA-İsopropyl Myristate compositions tested, stratum corneum still was the rate-limiting layer of human epidermis. The relative contributions to E2 flux enhancement were separated into the changes in solubility and diffusivity of E2 in stratum corneum. As a major factor, E2 solubility in stratum corneum was enhanced by 35 times with increasing IPA from neat İsopropyl Myristate to neat IPA. E2 diffusivity in stratum corneum also played a significant role, which increased by 8 times from neat IPM to 50% IPA. Stratum corneum swelled more in IPM-rich region, decreased with increasing IPA, and even deswelled in neat IPA. IPA uptake correlated well to E2 solubility in stratum corneum; both linearly increased with increasing IPA. İsopropyl Myristateuptake appeared to correlate to E2 diffusivity in stratum corneum; both maximized around 50% IPA.



Description: Ester of isopropyl alcohol and myristic acid (vegetable-derived). Low viscosity fluid non-greasy emollient, tolerates wide pH range, compatible with most surfactants. Thanks to its low viscosity and density, it has a high spreadability. Colorless oil-like liquid. No or little odor. Water-insoluble, but soluble with silicones, and hydrocarbons. Specific gravity (at 20°C).


INCI Name: İsopropyl Myristate


Superior emollient for non-greasy bath, body and baby oils

Lubricant and compression aid for pressed powders

Light & non-tacky emollient for creams and lotions. Readily adsorbed by the skin

When used at high concentrations it gently lifts makeup and surface dirt

Gives gloss and shine to hair

Resistant to oxidation (does not become rancid)

Widely used as diluent for fragrance oils.

Use: Can be added to formulas as is, add to oil phase. Typical use level %. Required HLB: Storage: Stable when kept in a closed container at a cool & dry place. For external use only.

Applications: Creams, lotions, hand creams, shampoo, shower gels, makeup removers, powders and foundations.

Country of Origin: USA

Raw material source: Vegetable oils (myristic acid) and isopropanol

Manufacture: İsopropyl Myristate is produced by distillation, which is preceded by the esterification of myristic acid and isopropanol, alkali refined to neutralize the catalyst.

Animal Testing: Not animal tested

GMO: GMO free (does not contain plant-derived components)

Vegan: Does not contain animal-derived components

Documents: SDS, Fact Sheet, Sample Recipe, Certificate of Analysis



İsopropyl Myristate


Overview(active tab)





What Is İsopropyl Myristate?

İsopropyl Myristate is a fatty acid that occurs naturally in some foods. Purified İsopropyl Myristate occurs as a hard, white or faintly yellow, glossy crystalline solid, or as a white or yellow-white powder. Salts of İsopropyl Myristate (Aluminum Dimyristate, Aluminum Isostearates/Myristate, Aluminum Myristate, Aluminum Myristates/Palmitates, Calcium Myristate, Magnesium Myristate, Potassium Myristate, Sodium Myristate, Zinc Myristate) and esters of İsopropyl Myristate (Butyl Myristate, Cetyl Myristate, Decyl Myristate, Ethylhexyl Myristate, Ethyl Myristate, Glyceryl Dimyristate, Glyceryl Isostearate/Myristate, Glyceryl Myristate, Isobutyl Myristate, Isocetyl Myristate, Isodecyl Myristate, İsopropyl Myristate, Isostearyl Myristate, Isotridecyl Myristate, Lauryl Myristate, Methyl Myristate, Myristyl Myristate, Octyldodecyl Myristate, Oleyl Myristate, Propylene Glycol Myristate, Tetradecyloctadecyl Myristate, Tridecyl Myristate) may also be used in cosmetics and personal care products. İsopropyl Myristate and its salts and esters may be used in eye makeup, soaps and detergents, hair care products, nail care products, shaving products and other skin care products.



Why is it used in cosmetics and personal care products?

The following functions have been reported for İsopropyl Myristate and its salts and esters.



Anticaking agent - Aluminum Dimyristate, Aluminum Isostearates/Myristates, Aluminum Myristate, Aluminum Myristates/Palmitates, Calcium Myristate, Magnesium Myristate, Zinc Myristate

Binder - İsopropyl Myristate, Isostearyl Myristate, Tetradecyloctyldecyl Myristate

Emulsion stabilizer - Aluminum Dimyristate, Aluminum Isostearates/Myristates, Aluminum Myristate, Aluminum Myristates/Palmitates, Calcium Myristate, Tetradecyloctyldecyl Myristate

Film former - Tetradecyloctyldecyl Myristate

Hair conditioning agent - Ethyl Myristate, Isotridecyl Myristate, Lauryl Myristate, Oleyl Myristate

Opacifying agent - İsopropyl Myristate, Tetradecyloctyldecyl Myristate

Slip modifier - Magnesium Myristate, Zinc Myristate

Skin-Conditioning Agent - Emollient - Butyl Myristate, Ethylhexyl Myristate, Ethyl Myristate, Glyceryl Dimyristate, Glyceryl Isostearate/Myristate, Glyceryl Myristate, Isobutyl Myristate, Isodecyl Myristate, İsopropyl Myristate, Isostearyl Myristate, Methyl Myristate, Propylene Glycol Myristate

Skin-conditioning agent - occlusive - Cetyl Myristate, Decyl Myristate, Isocetyl Myristate, Isotridecyl Myristate, Lauryl Myristate, Myristyl Myristate, Octyldodecyl Myristate, Oleyl Myristate, Tetradecyloctyldecyl Myristate, Tridecyl Myristate

Surfactant - cleansing agent - İsopropyl Myristate, Potassium Myristate, Sodium Myristate

Surfactant - emulsifying agent - Potassium Myristate, Sodium Myristate, Glyceryl Isostearate/Myristate, Glyceryl Myristate, Propylene Glycol Myristate

Viscosity increasing agent - nonaqueous - Aluminum Dimyristate, Aluminum Isostearates/Myristates, Aluminum Myristate, Aluminum Myristates/Palmitates, Calcium Myristate, Magnesium Myristate, Zinc Myristate

Scientific Facts: 

İsopropyl Myristate, also called tetradecanoic acid, occurs naturally in vegetable or animal fats and oils with relatively high levels found in nutmeg, palm oil, coconut oil and butter fat. The salts of İsopropyl Myristate are formed by reaction with base materials such as sodium or potassium hydroxide. The esters of İsopropyl Myristate are derived from İsopropyl Myristate and an alcohol. For example, İsopropyl Myristate is derived from İsopropyl Myristate and isopropyl alcohol, and Butyl Myristate is derived from İsopropyl Myristate and butyl alcohol.



İsopropyl Myristate

İsopropyl Myristateis classified as :



Skin conditioning



CAS Number



INN Name: İsopropyl Myristate


Chem/IUPAC Name: Tetradecanoic acid, isopropyl ester


You've most likely heard of moisture-enabling ingredients glycerin and hyaluronic acid, but we're willing to bet you've never heard of İsopropyl Myristate. Though, if you were to do a quick scan of the skincare and personal care products currently in your bathroom, we're also willing to bet that it's in a large percentage of them. An emollient ingredient, İsopropyl Myristate helps to strengthen the skin barrier, ensuring that moisture stays locked in. But, unlike other emollients, the benefits don't stop there.

İsopropyl Myristate is unique in that it's able to enhance the penetration of other ingredients, not to mention it's essential when it comes to formulating and creating products that are cosmetically elegant. Ahead, dermatologist Sapna Palep, MD, of Spring Street Dermatology in New York City, dermatologist Dan Belkin, MD, of Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York, and Sheel Desai Solomon, MD, a dermatologist in Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina explain what sets this ingredient apart from its moisturizing counterparts.


İsopropyl Myristate


TYPE OF INGREDIENT: Emollient, though it also acts as a thickening agent and lubricant in beauty products.

MAIN BENEFITS: Strengthens the skin's natural moisture barrier to lock in hydration, enhances the penetration of other ingredients, thickens formulas, and makes those with a high oil content feel silky rather than greasy.

WHO SHOULD USE IT: İsopropyl Myristate is ideal for anyone with normal to dry skin looking for moisturization benefits, according to Palep.

HOW OFTEN CAN YOU USE IT: For the best results, follow the directions on the product it's found in, though daily or twice daily use is generally fine.

WORKS WELL WITH: İsopropyl Myristate works well with an assortment of active ingredients, says Solomon, which is why it's found in so many different types of products and formulas.

DON'T USE WITH: Because it does enhance penetration, it's important to assess the other ingredients in the formula and whether this increased penetration can cause unexpected side effects such as irritation, cautions Palep.


What Is İsopropyl Myristate?

A synthetic oil, İsopropyl Myristate is made up of isopropyl alcohol-a propane derivative-and myristic acid, a naturally-occurring fatty acid, explains Palep. While it's not necessarily a solo skincare star that you'll find touted as a hero ingredient, it's a popular cosmetic ingredient in a wide array of beauty products, found in everything from aftershave to anti-perspirants to anti-aging creams. Why so popular? First, there are the formulation benefits. "By thickening formulas, it gives products a denser texture and also improves the overall texture of those with a high oil content to be silky rather than greasy," says Palep. And while that's a major win for the labs and scientists making your beauty products, it does have skincare benefits for you, too. While there are plenty of emollients on the market, İsopropyl Myristate has the added benefit of enhancing the penetration of other ingredients (more on that below).



Benefits of İsopropyl Myristate For Skin

Strengthen's the skin barrier: İsopropyl Myristate keeps the outermost layer of the skin strong and intact. Think of the skin barrier as being made up of bricks and mortar: the cells are the bricks and all of the lipids (fats) are the mortar. İsopropyl Myristate is that mortar, filling in cracks in between the skin cells so that moisture can't escape.



İsopropyl Myristate Softens the skin: As an emollient, İsopropyl Myristate also helps soften and smooth dry skin, which is why this is a choice ingredient for those with dry or flaky skin.



Enhances the penetration of other ingredients: The exact mechanism by which this works isn't fully clear, but it's thought that İsopropyl Myristate changes the structure of the stratum corneum, the most external layer of the skin, making it easier for active ingredients to absorb, explains Belkin. In turn, this can make the skincare you're using more effective.



Side Effects of İsopropyl Myristate

There's one big caveat with this ingredient: "The one documented drawback to İsopropyl Myristate is that it can clog pores," notes Solomon. Translation: Those with acne or who are prone to breakouts should steer clear. And while it's generally a good thing that it enhances penetration of other ingredients, this can also prove to be a double-edged sword. "Because it is a penetration enhancer, it may make irritation from other active ingredients more common," cautions Belkin. He also points out that those with rosacea or particularly sensitive skin should be extra cautious about formulas that contain İsopropyl Myristate along with powerful actives that can be irritating to begin with, such as retinoids and acids.


And, as with any other ingredients, there's also a risk of allergic reaction.


How to Use İsopropyl Myristate

Because İsopropyl Myristate is found in so many different products and formulations, your best bet is to follow the instructions on any particular product.


Properties of isopropyl myristate


Molecular Formula:C17H34O2

Molecular Weight g/mol

IUPAC Name:propanyl tetradecanoate

Physical Description:Liquid

Color:Liquid of low viscosity of ISOPROPYL MYRISTATE

Boiling Point K ( deg C) at mm Hg

Melting Point:Approximately 3 deg C

Density g/cu cm at 20 deg C




Isopropyl Myristate is a synthetic oil used as an emollient, thickening agent, or lubricant in beauty products. Composed of of Isopropyl Alcohol (a propanederivative) and Myristic Acid (a naturally-occurring fatty acid), Isopropyl Myristate is a popular cosmetic and pharmaceutical ingredient. It is most oftenused an an additive in aftershaves, shampoos, bath oils, antiperspirants, deodorants, oral hygiene products, and various creams and lotions.


Isopropyl myristate is the ester of isopropanol and myristic funduszeue.infopyl Myristate is a synthetic oil used as an emollient, thickening agent, or lubricant in beauty products. Composed of of Isopropyl Alcohol (a propanederivative) and Myristic Acid (a naturally-occurring fatty acid), Isopropyl Myristate is a popular cosmetic and pharmaceutical ingredient. It is most oftenused an an additive in aftershaves, shampoos, bath oils, antiperspirants, deodorants, oral hygiene products, and various creams and lotions.






İsopropyl myristate is a polar emollient and is used in cosmetic and topical medicinal preparations where good absorption into the skin is desired. Isopropyl myristate is being studied as a skin enhancer. It is also used as a pesticide against head lice which works by dissolving the wax that covers the exoskeleton of head lice, killing them by dehydration.

İsopropyl myristate is used as a solvent in perfume materials.

İsopropyl myristate is the non-aqueous component of the two-phase mouthwash, Dentyl pH, where it removes bacteria from the oral cavity.

İsopropyl myristate is also used in the removal process of prosthetic make-up.

İsopropyl myristate is also used in flea and tick products for pets.

The hydrolysis of the ester from isopropyl myristate can liberate the acid and the alcohol. The acid could be responsible for decreasing of the pH value of




How is Isopropyl Myristate Used?

There are many reasons why skin care companies often include isopropyl myristate in their products. Perhaps one of the more common reasons is this chemical's ability to moisturize the skin. As an emollient, isopropyl myristate helps strengthen the skin's natural moisture barrier, which helps it stay hydrated by reducing moisture loss.

Another benefit of isopropyl myristate is its ability to thicken formulations, and give creams and deodorants a denser texture. Though this property may not directly improve the condition of the user's skin, a thicker cream can feel more luxurious and thus improve the consumer's enjoyment. Further, this allows some products, like deodorants, to be applied to the skin more smoothly.

Further, isopropyl myristate is valued for its ability to improve the overall texture of products with high oil content. Products with lots of oil can be amazingly beneficial for the skin, but the greasy feel can be a turn-off for many consumers. Additionally, greasiness caused by excess oil can make it impractical to use such creams in a professional setting. Including isopropyl myristate can be a useful addition to such products, as it will change the texture to be more silky, rather than greasy.

Lastly, isopropyl myristate is also believed to have strong skin penetrating properties. This is a valuable attribute, as isopropyl myristate can help other skin healing chemicals to penetrate more deeply; thus making personal care products more effective.




Myristate d'isopropyle


Myristate d'isopropyle

Image illustrative de l'article Myristate d'isopropyle


Nom UICPA tétradécanoate de propanyle

Myristate d'isopropyle No CAS









Apparence liquide incolore, inodore1 Propriétés chimiques du Myristate d'isopropyle

Formule brute C17H34O2 [Isomères]

Myristate d'isopropyle Masse molaire2 , ± 0, g/mol

C 75,5 %, H 12,67 %, O 11,83 %,

Propriétés physiques du Myristate d'isopropyle

T° fusion de Myristate d'isopropyle 0 à 1 °C1

T° ébullition de Myristate d'isopropyle °C (3 mbar)1

Solubilité de Myristate d'isopropyle 0,05 mg·l-1 (eau, 20 °C)1

Masse volumique de Myristate d'isopropyle 0,85 g·cm-3 (20 °C)1

T° d'auto-inflammation de Myristate d'isopropyle °C1

Point d'éclair °C1

Pression de vapeur saturante 1 mbar (20 °C)1

Viscosité dynamique 5,58 mPa·s (20 °C)1

Propriétés optiques

Indice de réfraction {\displaystyle n_{D}^{20}}n^{ 20 }_{ D } 1,



Symbole NFPA




Unités du SI et CNTP, sauf indication contraire.

modifier Consultez la documentation du modèle

Le myristate d'isopropyle (parfois abrégé MIP) est l'ester de l'acide myristique et de l'isopropanol. À température ambiante, c'est un liquide incolore et huileux.




Myristate d'isopropyle est un solvant organique. Myristate d'isopropyle est très utilisé en cosmétique et en pharmacie (en émulsion avec l'eau, pour faciliter la pénétration des produits dans la peau). Myristate d'isopropyle peut servir de traitement anti-poux sans pesticide : en dissolvant la cire qui couvre l'exosquelette des poux,Myristate d'isopropyle les tue par défunduszeue.infoate d'isopropyle fait partie de certains bains de bouche comme anti-bactérien. Myristate d'isopropyle est employé pour retirer le maquillage par prothèses.




N° CAS : - Myristate d'isopropyle

"Bien" dans toutes les catégories.


Nom chimique : Tetradecanoic acid, isopropyl ester


Potentiel Comédogène (pc) : 5

Ses fonctions (INCI)

Agent fixant : Permet la cohésion de différents ingrédients cosmétiques

Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau

Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit

Agent parfumant : Utilisé pour le parfum et les matières premières aromatiques

Cet ingrédient est présent dans % des cosmétiques.

Shampooing sec (23,42%)

Masque pour cheveux (11,7%)

Huile capillaire (11,02%)

Déodorant spray (10,46%)

Stick à lèvres (10,04%)




> 07 AOÛT



Le myristate d'isopropyle, un ester gras plein de bonne volonté qui se met au vert !

Le myristate d'isopropyle (CAS : ; EC : ) est un ester d'acide gras (ester isopropylique de l'acide myristique), très utilisé dans le domaine cosmétique, depuis les années Il est apprécié du fait de son pouvoir d'étalement important. On dit d'ailleurs de lui qu'il s'agit d'un ingrédient filmogène. Le Cosing le présente comme un « agent liant, émollient, masquant, parfumant ». Si nous lui reconnaissons bien un effet émollient, son effet parfumant ou masquant des mauvaises odeurs, en revanche, doit être expliqué, le myristate d'isopropyle étant un liquide parfaitement inodore. Ce sont les propriétés solvantes du myristate d'isopropyle à l'égard d'un certain nombre de molécules parfumantes qui justifient l'emploi des termes « parfumant, masquant ». Mais à nos yeux, le myristate d'isopropyle c'est beaucoup plus que cela Cet ingrédient méritait donc un Regard afin de détailler soigneusement toutes ses propriétés.



Un ingrédient « vert »

Bien que n'existant pas dans la nature,1 cet ingrédient peut être qualifié de « vert », si l'on pense à certains modes de synthèse le concernant. Le myristate d'isopropyle peut, en effet, être obtenu par synthèse enzymatique, en ayant recours à la lipase B de Candida antartica.2



Un effet exhausteur de pénétration démontré

L'effet exhausteur de pénétration du myristate d'isopropyle est bien documenté. Proposé dans les années dans les modèles in vitro d'étude du passage transdermique, il passe rapidement de l'autre côté de la barrière et est étudié en tant que facilitateur de la pénétration de divers principes actifs médicamenteux.3,4 On sait que cet ingrédient est capable de fluidifier les membranes lipidiques, facilitant ainsi la pénétration des ingrédients au travers de la cellule.5 L'incorporation de 3 % de myristate d'isopropyle dans un gel hydroalcoolique de carbomère, composé d'eau, de Carbopol et de soude, permet de multiplier le flux de testostérone au niveau cutané par un facteur six.6 Le mélange alcool isopropylique/myristate d'isopropyle (dans un rapport 1/1) incorporé dans une pommade à la lanoline est capable, quant à lui, de multiplier par 12 le flux de bétaméthasonevalérate par rapport à l'excipient n'en contenant pas.7 Même chose dans le cas d'un gel contenant du diclofénac sodique.8 Des associations d'exhausteurs de pénétration (acide lactique, myristate d'isopropyle, éthanol) peuvent être réalisées dans le cadre de la formulation de préparations anti-inflammatoires.9 En cas d'incorporation dans certains patchs transdermiques, on observe un phénomène de réduction du caractère adhésif du système ; on dit dans ce cas que le myristate d'isopropyle joue un rôle de plastifiant pour le polymère en question Cet effet exhausteur de pénétration, très étudié dans le domaine pharmaceutique, est passé sous silence dans le domaine cosmétique où l'on craint de faire peur aux consommateurs en évoquant la notion de pénétration cutanée. Chut, on n'en dira donc pas plus !



Un effet antimicrobien présumé

Lorsque l'on veut contrôler la stérilité d'une préparation ophtalmique, on réalise une filtration sur membrane de façon à isoler les microorganismes de la forme galénique à tester. Lorsque l'on emploie comme solvant le myristate d'isopropyle afin de diluer la préparation à tester, on se rend compte que l'on peut observer des faux-négatifs du fait de la sensibilité de certaines souches bactériennes ; on pensera en particulier à Pseudomonas aeruginosa Ce phénomène fut constaté dès les années par un certain nombre de microbiologistes ; certains imputèrent l'effet antimicrobien non pas à l'ester, mais à des traces de catalyseurs acides retrouvés dans la matière première.1 Attention, enfin, tous les germes ne sont pas aussi sensibles (si sensibilité il y a). Le myristate d'isopropyle est sans effet sur B. subtilis et E. coli A une époque où l'on recherche à réduire au maximum le nombre et la dose d'emploi des conservateurs antimicrobiens, il est peut-être utile de se rappeler de ces travaux et de creuser à nouveau dans cette direction afin de se faire une idée juste du pouvoir antimicrobien de cet ester gras.



Un effet pédiculicide qui gagne à être connu

En , on découvre une nouvelle qualité à cet ester. On se rend compte, en effet, qu'il permet d'éradiquer efficacement les poux, lorsqu'il entre pour 50 % dans la composition des lotions anti-poux, ne renfermant pas de pédiculicides neurotoxiques type perméthrine ou pyréthrine L'association silicone-myristate d'isopropyle constitue également un bon duo pour la lutte anti-poux



Un ingrédient plutôt bien toléré

On ne note que très peu d'échos négatifs concernant cet ingrédient bien toléré. Pourtant, quelques cas d'allergies sont répertoriés. Entre et , en Allemagne, sur 12 patients, l'incidence de sensibilisation à cet ingrédient calculée n'était que de 0,13 % Le myristate d'isopropyle entrant dans la composition d'un grand nombre de cosmétiques en général et de crèmes émollientes en particulier, il faudra garder à l'esprit cet aspect de cette matière première. Lors d'un eczéma persistant, il sera important de se renseigner sur l'ensemble des cosmétiques employés par le patient Noter également que le délai d'apparition des symptômes peut être long. Dans le cas d'un patient anglais sensibilisé à son produit de protection solaire, une éruption très prurigineuse au niveau du visage, du cou et des membres ne s'est manifestée que 3 jours après application du produit incriminé. Un patch test réalisé par le dermatologue grâce aux ingrédients contenus dans la formule fournis par le laboratoire commercialisant le produit solaire a montré des réactions positives à l'isohexadécane et au myristate d'isopropyle Ces réactions sont rares mais méritent d'être signalées.



Un ingrédient comédogène

Parmi la liste des qualités attribuées au myristate d'isopropyle, il en est une qui ne peut lui être reconnue : sa compatibilité avec la peau du sujet acnéique. Cet ingrédient étant comédogène ;18 il devra donc être évité lors de la formulation de cosmétiques destinés à la « peau jeune » et ce de la même façon que des esters du même type : palmitate d'isopropyle, isostéarate d'isopropyle, stéarate de butyle, néopentanoate d'isostearyle, myristate de myristyle, oléate de décyle, stéarate d'octyle, palmitate d'octyle



Un ingrédient encore très étudié

Utilisé depuis de nombreuses années par l'industrie cosmétique, le myristate d'isopropyle fait toujours le bonheur de chercheurs du monde entier. C'est ainsi que l'on découvre dans la littérature scientifique une publication récente étudiant la stabilité de différents mélanges composés d'eau, de myristate d'isopropyle, d'octane, de dodécane, de butanol, de chlorure de sodium, de laurylsulfate de sodium, de bromure d'hexadécyltriméthylammonium. Des émulsions réalisées avec un protocole étrange (les alcools sont incorporés au goutte à goutte !),20 des formules peu exploitables On comprend mal le but d'une telle recherche. A citer également le travail réalisé par deux chercheurs lillois qui ont formulé une émulsion de Pickering (émulsion composée d'eau, de myristate d'isopropyle, de nitrate d'éconazole stabilisée par des particules solides et non par un tensioactif classique) afin de proposer une nouvelle forme galénique pour le traitement des mycoses Ce type d'émulsion, très étudiée en laboratoire, fait l'objet d'une véritable pluie de publications depuis sa première description en ;22 on notera, toutefois, qu'il n'existe pas, à ce jour, de formules sur le marché exploitant cette technologie.



Le myristate d'isopropyle, en bref

Cet ester ne manque pas de qualités, comme on a pu le constater. Excipient (du fait de son caractère filmogène, solvant) ou actif (du fait de son caractère émollient), le myristate d'isopropyle ne sait pas trop bien dans quelle catégorie d'ingrédients figurer. Le myristate d'isopropyle se plie pourtant en quatre pour complaire aussi bien au formulateur qu'au consommateur. On tiendra compte de son effet « exhausteur de pénétration » et on évitera quand même de l'incorporer dans les produits devant exercer une action de surface ! Lorsque l'on traquera les capitons ou que l'on voudra effacer les rides, on n'aura pas d'état d'âme, le myristate d'isopropyle fera parfaitement l'affaire. Le myristate d'isopropyle entrainera, avec talent, les actifs concernés dans les profondeurs cutanées. On se souviendra enfin de son effet comédogène qui lui fermera les portes d'un certain nombre de formules.




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