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6th International Workshop on the Web of Things: WoT 2015

After a successful 5 years anniversary in 2014 it is our pleasure to announce that the International Web of Things workshop (#wot2015) will take place this year again, submissions are now open so hurry up, craft your best WoT papers and submit them. As usual, the WoT Workshop will take place collocated with the IEEE IoT conference, one of the first and most successful IoT conference out there:

CALL FOR PAPERS – Sixth International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2015)
in conjunction with IoT 2015, Seoul, South Korea, October 26-28, 2015. http://webofthings.org/wot/2015

* Workshop Abstract

Continuing the successful Web of Things workshop series, this workshop aims at further exploring the use of technologies and principles at the core of the Web to provide methods for a seamless integration of physical devices. In particular, our goal is to foster discussion about systems that enable a real-time Web of Things and the discovery, search, and composition of services provided by Web-enabled things as well as the interaction of users with such devices. Furthermore, with the recent interest to standardize the Web of Things Framework, papers about models, standards and their application to real, complex use-cases are also welcome.

* Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: August 30, 2015
Notification of acceptance: September 21, 2015
Camera-ready papers due: TBA
Workshop date: TBA (During Conference, between October 26-28)

* Contributing to WoT 2015

WoT 2015 solicits contributions in all areas related to the Web of Things, and we invite application designers to think beyond sensor networks and Web applications, and to imagine, design, build, evaluate, and share their thoughts and visions on what the future of the Web and networked devices will be.

– Integration of embedded computers, wireless sensor networks, every-day appliances, smart gateways, and tagged objects (RFID, barcodes, QRs, NFC) using a Web approach
– Real-time communication with physical objects (e.g.,WebSockets, Web-RTC, MQTT, CoAP, AMQP)
– Web-based discovery, search, composition, and physical mashups
– Use of semantic technologies to facilitate the interaction with and between things on the Web
– (Meta-)Models and paradigms allowing model-driven approaches for the WoT
– Security, privacy, access control, and sharing of physical things on the Web
– Application of Web tools and techniques in the physical world (e.g., REST, HTML5, 6lowpan, cloud services, social networks)
– Cloud platforms and services for the Web of Things
– Concrete applications, use-cases, deployments, and evaluations of Web-enabled Things in contexts such as smart homes, connected cities, and Web 2.0 enterprises

This sixth edition of the Web of Things workshop series will provide an interactive forum for WoT researchers to learn about and discuss existing efforts related to Web-based interactions with smart things. In order to ensure a high-quality technical session, submissions must cover one of the topics above and should not exceed six (6) ACM conference format pages. Research papers must be original prior unpublished work and not under review elsewhere as they will be published to the ACM digital library and listed on DBLP. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and selected based on their originality, merit, and relevance to the workshop. Submission requires at least one author to present the paper on-site. If you can, we encourage authors of accepted papers to bring a prototype and demonstrate it at the workshop, as part of an open demonstration session.

For more instructions on how to submit to WoT 2015, visit http://webofthings.org/wot/2015
* Organizers:

Dr. Andreas Ruppen, University of Fribourg, http://diuf.unifr.ch/softeng/members/ruppena
Prof. Jacques Pasquier, University of Fribourg, http://diuf.unifr.ch/softeng/members/pasquiej
Dr. Dominique Guinard, EVRYTHNG Ltd., UK, http://evrythng.com
Dr. Vlad Trifa, EVRYTHNG Ltd., UK, http://evrythng.com
Dr. Erik Wilde, Siemens, USA, http://dret.net/netdret/
Dr. Simon Mayer, Siemens, USA, http://usa.siemens.com/wot

As a little teaser please find the presentation of the 5 years recap:

5 Years of Web of Things Workshops from Dominique Guinard


Примеры из практики: Примеры людей, которые успешно избежали долгов по кредитам payday loan.
Для многих людей привлекательность займов до зарплаты может показаться непреодолимой. Обещание быстрых денег без проверки кредитоспособности является сильным соблазном для тех, кто испытывает нехватку денег и кому больше некуда обратиться. К сожалению, этот вид кредита часто приводит к дальнейшим финансовым проблемам – особенно если он не возвращается своевременно.

К счастью, можно избежать долгов по кредитам payday, если понимать, как эти кредиты работают, и предпринимать активные шаги по управлению своими финансами. Вот три примера людей, которые успешно избежали долгов по кредитам payday:

1. Джон: Джон боролся со своими счетами в один из месяцев, когда узнал, что может оформить онлайн-заявку на получение однодневного кредита. Вместо того чтобы сразу обратиться за кредитом, он начал с изучения других вариантов. Рассмотрев несколько альтернативных вариантов, включая разговор с друзьями о займе денег и поиск дополнительных способов быстрого заработка, Джон решил не брать кредит, хотя в тот момент это помогло бы ему быстро получить деньги.

2. Джессика: Джессика уже была в долгах, когда однажды получила по почте предложение о предоставлении кредита на день зарплаты. Хотя она думала, что это может быть легким выходом из финансового кризиса, она знала, что лучше не соглашаться на такой кредит с высокой процентной ставкой, не изучив предварительно все возможные варианты. В итоге она нашла временную работу, которая позволила ей погасить существующий долг, избежав при этом принятия на себя более опасных финансовых обязательств, таких как кредиты до зарплаты.

3. Алекс: Алекс имел дело с растущими медицинскими счетами, когда узнал о местном кредиторе, который предлагал быстрое одобрение и выдачу наличных без кредитной проверки или залога. Он решил не брать кредит и вместо этого обратился в такие организации, как United Way и местные благотворительные фонды, которые предоставляют экстренную финансовую помощь тем, кто столкнулся с неожиданными медицинскими расходами или другими жизненными кризисами.

Эти истории показывают, что даже люди, столкнувшиеся с финансовыми трудностями, могут избежать застревания в круговороте однодневных кредитов, если они проявят изобретательность и примут разумные решения в отношении своих финансов, прежде чем слишком глубоко ввязываться в любой вид высокорискованного кредитного соглашения

Резюме/заключение: Размышления о том, почему важно знать об опасностях, связанных с кредитами до зарплаты.
Кредиты до зарплаты могут быть заманчивым решением для людей, испытывающих финансовые трудности, но они связаны с серьезными рисками. Важно знать об этих опасностях, прежде чем брать кредит до зарплаты, так как высокие процентные ставки и комиссии, связанные с ними, могут быстро привести к циклу долгов, из которого трудно вырваться. Кроме того, кредиторы “payday” часто нацелены на уязвимые группы населения, такие как люди с низким уровнем дохода или те, кто не имеет доступа к традиционным банковским услугам. Эта хищническая практика кредитования делает еще более важным понимание всех последствий получения кредита до принятия каких-либо решений.

Первое, на что следует обратить внимание, когда вы думаете о кредите на день зарплаты, – это тот факт, что процентные ставки по ним, как правило, намного выше, чем по другим видам займов. Средняя годовая процентная ставка (APR) по кредиту в день зарплаты может составлять от 200% до 500%, что делает его более дорогим, чем большинство других форм кредитования. Это означает, что если вы возьмете 500 долларов на две недели, то в конечном итоге вам придется заплатить почти в два раза больше только за проценты! Кроме того, многие кредиторы добавляют дополнительные комиссии и сборы к основной сумме займа, что еще больше увеличивает общую стоимость кредита и ставит заемщика в затруднительное финансовое положение.

Еще одним важным фактором при рассмотрении вопроса о получении однодневного кредита является его продолжительность. Большинство из них предназначены для краткосрочного решения проблем; однако, если заемщик не может погасить свой баланс в установленные сроки, он может столкнуться с тем, что с него взимаются большие штрафы за просрочку или расходы на пролонгацию. Это может затруднить для заемщиков возможность наверстать упущенное и привести к тому, что они могут влезть в долги, так как их первоначальный баланс продолжает расти с угрожающей скоростью из-за всех этих дополнительных платежей и сборов.

Потенциальным заемщикам также важно тщательно изучить различных кредиторов, прежде чем брать на себя обязательства. Некоторые хищные кредиторы применяют неэтичные методы, такие как взимание скрытых комиссий или предоставление вводящей в заблуждение информации о планах погашения, чтобы воспользоваться преимуществами ничего не подозревающих клиентов, которые не полностью понимают условия и положения, связанные с этими кредитами. Лучше всего не только внимательно читать все документы, но и задавать вопросы, если что-то кажется неправильным – это поможет вам не попасть в ловушку недобросовестных кредиторов, которые могут попытаться воспользоваться вашей неосведомленностью или финансовым положением.

В заключение следует отметить, что, хотя кредиты до зарплаты могут обеспечить быстрый доступ к средствам в трудные времена, к ним всегда следует подходить с осторожностью из-за их непомерно высокой стоимости и потенциальных подводных камней, таких как скрытые комиссии и расходы на пролонгацию, которые при неправильном подходе могут быстро загнать заемщика в бесконечный цикл долгов . Прежде чем подписаться на одного из кредиторов, необходимо тщательно изучить информацию о различных кредиторах, чтобы избежать этих неприятных ловушек, поэтому всегда помните, что нужно делать домашнюю работу!

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How Technology is Giving Customers Their Power Back

When it comes to emerging technology, most consumers are often quite fearful of this kind of change. Many are concerned that automation will eliminate thousands of jobs in the near future. Others fear that their private data can be bought and sold, putting them in danger or removing any sense of privacy from the internet.

A great deal of consumers are also incredibly skeptical of Machine Learning,Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence specifically. Only 35% of customers state that they are comfortable interacting with businesses that utilize AI – even though 84% of us use AI-based devices and services frequently, such as Siri and Google Home.

How Technology is Giving Customers Their Power BackSource

However, when it comes to Marketing Technology, many recent innovations are placing the power back in the customers’ hands – not the other way around. And it is not just because technology is increasing convenience; MarTech is making the consumer more powerful than ever before – and businesses need to understand why and what this means for their strategies.

Let’s discuss.

Removing False Reviews

Customer reviews are an important and influential type of content over consumer behavior, but many customers are aware of the fact that businesses will publish fake reviews to improve their ratings. In fact, one study found that 89% of consumers spotted fake online reviews in 2018.

Removing False Reviews Source

However, thanks to AI technology, this number has been steadily decreasing – making the internet a little bit more trustworthy for consumers. MarTech like Natural Language Processing and AI-powered review systems are able to spot spam reviews and also prevent companies from publishing their own fake assessments. This allows customers to get a more accurate depiction of the business before they buy – and it can help companies, too.

For example, Laguna Pearl partnered with Trustpilot to screen fraudulent reviews and provide customers with trustworthy ratings. The online jewelry retailer also published these verified reviews directly onto their product pages, which resulted in a 9.5% decrease in cart abandonment.


Marketers for Laguna Pearl cite this as a direct result from using these reviews because it made customers more trusting when it came to purchasing items – like luxury goods online.

These type of review systems give customers even more power because they are able to rely on the opinion of other consumers (whom they consider trustworthy) rather than just blindly believing what a business says about themselves.

Read More: Artificial Intelligence in Restaurant Business

Incredible Personalization for All Experiences

Personalization has gone beyond just a name in the email subject line. 80% of marketers are now using AI for hyper-personalization in some capacity, such as Product recommendations, special promotions, and, most commonly, hyper-targeted advertising.

Personalization is important to consumers, too. 90% of customers said that personalization appealed to them, and 80% were more likely to buy from a company that offered a tailored experience. This level of hyper-personalization puts customers in the driver’s seat of the CX because they are finally able to tell businesses exactly what they want.

For instance, businesses like Stitch Fix and Trunk Club created custom-curated clothing shipments based on each customer’s preferences and style. Customers then choose which pieces they like, which means that their next order will be even more personalized.

Incredible Personalization for All Experiences


Some brands are also allowing consumers to take control over the type of data that is shared for these personalized experiences – like Cutter & Buck does with their opt-out message on their home page. This again gives consumers the power to control what type of personalization they receive by sharing only as much data as they prefer.


Control Over Customer Service

One major shift in customer service is towards self-help rather than human assistance. 67% of customers stated that they preferred to use self-service online over speaking to a representative, and 40% only reached out when it was their last resort for an issue.

Services like chatbots are becoming far more commonplace in the e-commerce space, which allows consumers to reach out easily for assistance – without having to wait around for a response. This is far more convenient for customers, but it also gives businesses yet another opportunity to personalize the experience with salesbots who “learn” the customer’s behavior and preferences, then sends product recommendations during the interactions.

Control Over Customer Service


The days of waiting for hours on hold for the next available representative are gone. Technology now allows customers to have multiple options when reaching out to customer service, so they are able to receive assistance in whatever method is most convenient for them.

Read More: How AI and Automation Are Joining Forces to Transform ITSM

Interactions with IoT

IoT has exploded in popularity among consumers over the past few years as more customers are purchasing wearable devices – like smartwatches or installing Virtual Assistants like Alexa into their homes.

This once again gives consumers the power to tell businesses how to best customize the CX based on concrete data about their behavior and preferences. IoT allows brands to truly learn more about each customer based on their behavior, such as the music they listen to, the movies/shows they like, and what products they purchase.

For example, FitBit used customer data that was gathered from their wearable devices to personalize ads that customers saw based on health data – like their activity levels, workout preferences, and even their sleep quality. While the company did receive some backlash for privacy violations, it offers us a glimpse into the future of hyper-personalization through IOT.

Interactions with IoT Source

One way that consumers can use IoT to their advantage is by utilizing AI tools to improve their experiences. For example, customers can instantly place orders on Amazon through their Alexa device. Further, by sharing data through IoT devices, they can expect better future interactions as their experiences are tailored based on their behavioral data.


MarTech is only going to become more prevalent and sophisticated as we approach the next decade, but consumers need to understand that there is truly nothing to fear. Technology is here to make the CX even better as it gives consumers more power.

Now, it is up to businesses utilizing AI, IoT, and other MarTech to show their customers the benefits of using it to optimize their interactions and experiences.

Read More: Too Much Too Soon? How Your Digital Transformation Business Case Shows You’re Not Ready

We at DHANAK not only aims to make the future of kids brighter by providing them education but also by making earth, a better place to live for them.We don’t realize the fact that earth is also our home and we have to keep it clean just like it.

So, we took the initiative to celebrate the International Environment Day this year by planting around 80 trees across Vasundhara area of Ghaziabad. Everyone from elderly to younglings came forward and helped us in our initiative. When planting trees we saw the how poorly government bodies have maintained the parks around our area, we found tons of plastic buried under the soil which we had to clean to plant the trees.

After getting this overwhelming response from people we realized that not all but many people care about protecting the earth and planting trees one day won’t help us to achieve our goal, so DHANAK team took a PLEDGE to plant 5-10 trees every day in our area.

DHANAK team members have been waking up every day 4:30 a.m. in the morning and planting at least 5 trees in our nearby area and also maintaining them by watering them everyday. We have honored are pledge with full sincerity and discipline until now and will continue to do so.

Here are some pictures we took of this initiative.


You can also become a soldier in our mission by making your contribution. Here are few options by which you can help us in our pledge:

  1. Plant trees in your area then send us the pictures and  we will post them on our social media accounts.
  2. If you are living in nearby vasundhara (Ghaziabad) area, you can donate some plants to us and we will plant them for you.
  3. You can also contribute by donating Rs. 10 for each plant to DHANAK for buying on your behalf and planting them.

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You can see boundary and address of North America and South countries.

North America consists of Cayman Islands, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Canada maps. Every state and region is available for study.

South America consists of Trinidad and Tobago, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, Ascension Island, Falkland Islands, South Sandwich Islands, French Guiana, the ABC islands, South Georgia, Panama maps.

Every town of exotic Australia and white expanses of Antarctica has new live satellite map.

Satellites.Pro map Madagascar – Map Of the Solomon Islands and its cities


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