can the stress of dating cause migraine headache / Migraine Headaches | Cedars-Sinai

can the stress of dating cause migraine headache

can the stress of dating cause migraine headache

Gluten sensitivity is when a person has a bad reaction if they eat gluten. A matinee, meanwhile, could fit perfectly into your sleep schedule, plus you could save a little on the ticket price and still have time for dinner afterwards. When you then get a headache, you may think that eating chocolate was the trigger. As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. It may also be a combination of a few things that seems to lead to a migraine attack. If you avoid your triggers, you may be able to reduce how often you have headaches, but you may not be able to stop having them altogether. Loud sounds like at a concert , bright lights like flashing lights or intense sunlight , or strong smells like perfume or paint smells can trigger a migraine attack.

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