what episode does reign defeated supergirl / Supergirl season 5 - Wikipedia

what episode does reign defeated supergirl

what episode does reign defeated supergirl

Retrieved December 8, December 8, J'onn and Malefic receive immense pain whenever they attack one another due to a curse, which J'onn still suffers from, so he asks Kelly to soothe his pain using Q-waves, but Malefic secretly sees this and realizes Q-waves can help further his revenge against his brother. Just About Write. In the present, Andrea is assigned to eliminate the captured Rogers, but her first attempt to break into the D. Oh, boy. This episode begins a crossover event that continues on Batwoman season 1 episode 9 , The Flash season 6 episode 9 , and Arrow season 8 episode 8 , and concludes on Legends of Tomorrow ' s special episode.

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